
I too love your definition of "Chrischuns". As a Christian, I am constnatly apalled by the way Jesus' teachings are stomped all over just to justify peoples' own hatred and bigotry.

Jesus would NEVER refuse kindness or goods and services to ANY person, no matter what their religion, lifestyle, moral standing, etc.


I love your definition of Chrischuns and am going to use it from here to eternity. Always makes me crazy that they think hate is a Christian value. JESUS CARED FOR THE 'SINNERS' MOST, YOU MORONS.

Except that it would be really shitty for all the people who live in Arizona who do NOT support the bill....

Oops, sorry Arizona, didn't mean to allege that your legislators are garbage. My bad, I had a lapse.

Here's the deal. They don't have to deal with the fallout, really. Jan Brewer is going to be the one who does. If she signs it, it's law, and they can say they tried to convince her not to, that they made a mistake and that they're not bigots come election time. If she doesn't sign it, they can say come election time

The three senators all said they didn't expect the bill to pass, since it compounded on current Arizona law and a similar bill was struck down last year.

"I had a lapse last week" means accidentally leaving your keys in the fridge after getting groceries, not advocating for 21st century Jim Crow legislation.

There might be a fifth Shrek movie in the works.

Honestly, I hope Brewer signs it. I hope she signs it and it gets challenged all the way to the Supreme Court. I hope Arizona loses millions if not billions in tax dollars and business revenue and tourist income. I hope the Supreme Court strikes this down on the basis of equal protection, which then sets the precedent

I know he's probably just a philanderer but that smile just screams "power bottom" to me.

I think half of the reason Baldwin's statements are getting so much attention is because dude knows how to throw an entertaining tantrum. It would have died down much quicker if he didn't take on this victim-of-the-media attitude and keep it in the headlines.

Uncle George will fuck your shit up.


tl;dr version:

How does one human being become so ridiculously awesome?

George Takei is a BAMF.

Fuck that transphobic "ally." As a queer person, I don't want him anywhere near LGBT* issues because he can't even handle a basic call-out. Allies that make it about their feelings are the fucking worst.