
G-G-Ghost Train!

It has to be an inside joke with the designers to see how much smaller they can make the rear window each year.

You’ll be able to safely view an eclipse through the rear window of a 2020 Mazda 3 hatch.

That is the correct answer for anything packaged in a sleeve.

? there was no joke. What I spoke was the truth and we all know it. They make way too much money off shark cards with little effort on their part. Why put the time and resources into making story DLC that will see a small window of sales for a set price?

1 sleeve = 1 serving

Would everyone please just calm down? Trump already met with the President of California a few days ago.

Idea for new Jalopnik series: “Will it Rally?” Every disposable appliance car should be rallied. Scion IA, Chrysler Pacifica, Prius? Why not? Rally all the things!!!

$50-60k for a Civic is appropriate? lol...

These tests do not accurately reflect the real-world usage of an Alfa-Romeo. A rear-impact from the breakdown lane is by-far the most likely crash for a Giulia owner.

I have a sudden desire to buy a white C4

As a Pats fan, please allow me to say: Fuck these people with a fencepost.

Brilliant! Now I see our strategy for stopping their missile tests.

They never said anything remotely as over the top idiotic as Trump and you know it. Neither has ever called for an entire country to be destroyed because of the megalomania of their leader. Obama and Clinton understand diplomacy, unlike the orange clown who is so used to people doing whatever he said because he paid

For as great a basketball player he is, his skin is thinner than an apple’s.

Yeah, I always thought I was a rebel when I put a 2x4 in the trunk or some sandy beach stuff.

Do you really have to ask?

Had you not mentioned Australia, I would have assumed this was a case of Canadian road rage.

One of the more interesting things about this story is one you only touched on. KHOU’s station was flooding and the staff had to move upstairs to continue broadcasting. However, the entire station soon lost the ability to send anything out to the transmitter and the station told Brandi that “she was it, you’re all we