A friendly reminder that all my skinfolk ain't my kinfolk. And that beautiful child's hair bow is adorable. Fuck these dudes, tbh.
A friendly reminder that all my skinfolk ain't my kinfolk. And that beautiful child's hair bow is adorable. Fuck these dudes, tbh.
I tried explaining this once.
This is really common in schools run by mostly black administrations. They want to be seen as respectable, and in doing so, attempt to limit the outwardly "black" things the kids can do. It's almost always directed at something arbitrary and external like clothing or hairstyles, and almost never works.
My Dear, if you are truly black, you will know that 1) ghetto and black has been synonymous for decades, and 2) ghetto and urban are the code language used to not have to say black.
As a White girl who grew up in the projects, I totally understand this. I think that the real problem is that racists have been using "ghetto" as a euphemism for Black. That is wrong, racist and inaccurate for all the reasons that you articulated. It seems clear to me that the people at the yoga class were really…
Isn't that kind of what yoga is already? Hey, let's pick and choose which parts of Hinduism/Buddhism/other exotic religions and cultures we like and mix it all together with fitness! I know plenty of yoga studios that really DO have people who like to play dress up in bindis and saris to feel more "authentic."
I wish I could say I was surprised by this. But the first picture immediately reminded me of my former roommate (and her friends) who was a wealthy white girl from the 'burbs who liked to dress up in chicken feather headdresses and face paint or even blackface on occasion. I have a feeling they would have been reeeeal…