
Really most anything with a love triangle needs to be dropped or turned into a polyamorous relationship since 99% of the time it is just annoying to watch.

Maybe she's not trying to be attractive?

Women don't have to dress up for you, they don't need to be sexy and/or cute. Gaga expresses herself through the aesthetics of her costumes, and sometimes she just thinks a giant piece of glass on her head looks cool. Either way it's okay, but people aren't used to women

This looks like much ado over nothing. The interviewer poised that question as a direct attack, the interviewee wasn't expecting it at all, tried very hard to come up with a good response for it on the spot (Achieved that goal, I think) and then the interviewer continued to press more awkwardly, as though he didn't

She's still making the comments private. Which is really disappointing. Yes, a huge amount of those will be mouth-breathing trolls. However that's no reason to limit the discussion of these videos. There's plenty of intelligent YouTube users out there, who would have plenty to add, or counter her points with.

I watched this whole thing and the spurious, completely absurd arguments from a white male point of view made me ill. It would take too long to refute each absurd point (from the idea that whether violence in games impacts society or merely reinforces and reflects it still being insanely worthy) to the idea that the

Yes, because receiving care and attention from a place like this is so much more horrible than living under the constant threat of being eaten by sea lions, whales, leopard seals, and sharks out in the wild.

Kathy Bates was really convincing as Paula Deen.

Whatever, all I know is it was too short a run :(

Go away, that was awesome, for all the 2 episodes it lasted.


Nintendo and Sony have punishment rooms..

I'm a big fan of the current trend of victim shifting. Forget the mistreated transgendered individual, will someone please think of the intolerant people?!

If you accept it, even passively, then if a person asks you to use a certain pronoun you should respect their request. It's not too much to ask.

he apparently said "it" and "thing". It was no mistake. You don't call any human being "it", not even by mistake

I don't really get it, i really don't. The person wants to me called a female, she is a female, regardless of physiology. All i see here it people trying to judge someone. Being transgendered has the same issues than being a person of color, you will be judged and you will have people eye you and think you're fucking

There are times when Kotaku overreacts to events like these, this is not one of them.

Just another attention-seeking life-lost hipster trashboy. It's a shame he even gets noticed.

I adore the comments on Articles like this, shows me which posters to avoid.

Every time we try to say "no really, video games and video game developers do treat women as equal, it's not as bad as before" then shit like this happens and I want to go bang my head on a wall.

He has a very unconventional method to chop firewood.