fuck y'all socially acceptable way to "look Japanese"
fuck y'all socially acceptable way to "look Japanese"
FUN FACT: They can dress however the fuck they want, and i doubt they give a shit about what you think. How they dress isn't for you. Their bodies aren't in the public domain.
fuck da patriarchy we gon be so brown
you either mesh well with monogamy and are suited to it or not. Rather than you know, completely fucking with your brain chemistry and hormone balance in order to appease your partner's sexuality.
Dude don't be rude. People take up drawing at different times and learn at different paces, and its so easy to just hate everything you draw, not easily see any improvement and give up. So give her a break and dont be so rude.
so you're saying they should post every single piece of kirby stuff they come across?
because there are millions of drawings out on the internet from people starting out and practicing. I don't see why this should be particularly newsworthy. Im not trying to be cunty, I think its great that this person has the guts to draw, and keep at it and get better, and they totally should put their art up, but I…
umm, okay. why are you guys posting ametuer artwork?
conkers bad fur day, fable, and mass effect 2 will always be my favourite games
yeah sometime in the future maybe sort of kind of ish you might be able to sell your games in a very complicated way at whatever microsoft deems your games to be worth
nono, its worse than that. Like every console, it requires the same disk every time, however to "unlock" the game and be able to play it, you use a code that comes with the game, and you have to go online to register your copy. You cant resell it, or lend the game to anyone else. Your game is now bonded to your…
can you fucking imagine if people did this kind of shit for dvd's or cd's? and also bearing in mind they've pretty much confirmed the whole "always online" thing, if i ever want to play a game on it. fuck that anal smear of a company.
sony is going to win this generation through just not being lame wow u go ps4
scooby doo
well this is one faggy ass presentation but tbh what did i really expect
it looks like a slightly less good bulletstorm. But thats not a bad thing, because bulletstorm was amazing.
literally the only thing i dislike about the wii u is its lack of power. And the real shitty games lineup. the controller is actually the bombest thing man, im just sad the entire console is gonna be outclassed when the others arrive. i bought mine just for smash bros and the new pikmin, and when the times comes ill…
*nods in approval*
call me when you find something actually offensive instead of shit stirring on a very minor, completely fucking harmless quip.