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    my cats go outside. .You are referring to city folk not cat people. City folk who own dogs and or cats are all !@#$ed up are snobs and hate EVERYONE because EVERYONE is in their way and they believe EVERYONE is stupid.

    That’s so !@#$ed up. I fell in love with the 66 stang at the age of 8. I didn’t have a mum and I wanted dianna ross to be my mum. square that. What is wrong with you people? Can we say “you are definitely a racist if you wear FUBU?” “you are definitely a racist if you belong to LA RAZA?” How about those mexican

    you mean like a mexican?

    “I have a dream... ...judge people on their merits not the color of their skin”

    why not just publish. “Everything is racist, everyone should die.” ? My stepdad is a black country boy and fits the majority of these descriptions. With special regard to number 10... you’ve got to be kidding me... I’ve never met ANYONE without a strong accent except !@#$ head californians, who are the most

    so you agree that if a majority of people, who live in cities, should be able to dictate to those who do not live in cities, people who’ve been dehumanized and dubbed “fly-over country”, what’s best for them and how they should live?

    there is no such thing. there will never be.

    there’s no such thing. If you build a lock someone will figure out a way to crack it. Why don’t we come up with our own answer instead of thinking “the federal government”, which has proven itself to be completely inept at even the most simplest of tasks, would actually be capable of helping us? Tell me one thing

    we keep hearing about “russian hacking” yet we have not see ANY evidence yet. What we have seen is evidence from Liberal Icon Bev Harris who exposed the 2000 FLA. Steal from Al Gore, she actually spearheaded the reverse engineering of a hacking tool that was loaded onto electronic voting machines state side. Google