
Back off Aisha Tyler she is my god but also she isn’t presenting. They are doing something different this year.

it is sad because you can’t say the same thing dude LOL. I’m assuming your an xbox fanboy? How is the empty space of nothing holding you over? The truth is sony has more going on for it. That is the truth. I as well want the xbox to have more. I want it to thrive and compete with sony because that means better for

I can’t wait for the bullet sponge hell.

No really. This game...looks beautiful. I hope it looks this beautiful when you can actually play it. I’m assuming this is “xbox one X” footage??? Honestly. I’d buy and xbox one x to run around as iron man killing shit when beautiful everything!

The main character...Kelly...Killy. Whatever his name is. WAS BORING AS FUCK. I hate to say it but I didn’t really care about what was happening.

Yeah goes back to the start of time really lol.

I hear what you’re saying which kind of falls in line with a world where all groups truly are equal when that isn’t the case in real life at all LOL. Maybe one day that is the world will live in where labeling oneself anything wont be necessary. We can just go about being humans...That is not the world we live in.

You do know that making something cool and having it be diverse is they aren’t mutually exclusive!? LOL. Why is something being diverse political to begin with is beyond me.

wasn’t the last game based on space combat and shit. Realism is just a word lol. Like who gives a shit if you’re a woman in ww2 and it makes someone feel better. I’m sure what people don’t appreciate is an entire war being a game tons of people are downing mountain dew well playing and yelling faggot as they get a

First impression: Boring. This doesn’t look very exciting.

Yeah, it is called watch something else.

He doesn’t have to be sorry.

Yes, because he does it for the laughs. If people want to play joke police they better prepare to get a fucking mile long paper and pencil and get ready for long nights of endless sleep.

I mean I’ve seen conservatives be outraged too from cups not having Christmas all over them to an asshole not getting Trump written on a cup.

Steve King is being called a nazi because his lack of intelligence in saying what he meant. In another Interview he said “millions of abortions are happening and other babies are filling that void” blah blah like he is digging himself a damn fucking deeper hole. The man could of just said we need to defend American

Are they constantly getting mad? I swear I see sales all the time for games but not at retailers.

The first game was fun. Now this..I’m so down for this. Love all the ideas. I feel like they could of easily pushed out another game that was like the first one but this seems to have a lot more going for it. I’m impressed.

Hope the next game is able to have both a story and all the rng love everyone...loves aha.

True, I more brought it up because of how funny it was to me LOL. I’m definitely in that camp of you can make jokes about anything it more so is how you do it. I think Pewdie would of been attacked even if his jokes were smarter or done differently because he is such a big name. People want to talk about him for dat

True but literally they had an episode where frank had a flag that looked like a swastika. It is 4 Fs. Look it up on YouTube LOL.

I’m buying all of it.