
what sucks is I love the scifi shit. Like.. they should do time travel shit...and like...maybe. crazy..shit...just for me. No one buys it blame me but I’ll be happy.

Destiny to me was a complete disappointment (to me I’m not trying to attack anyone for liking the game) but that being said I played it frequently for awhile as it had this Diablo like addiction to it. I hope they take what they learned from the first one and apply it to the second one. Would be nice to have a little


That would be messed up ahah.

Like honestly...I’d be so fucking down for a it be a really bad moba with ff character...yeah but like come onnnnn. Long as it is funnnn. Take my money!

“If you don’t feel welcome in your own country how then does it become our responsibility to make you feel welcome?”

Based on the comments of people who worked at GameStop this memo is a hella a lie. Boiii. I dont shop at GameStop anymore..I’m weirdly glad too since before I’d buy new games. Had no idea I could of been fucking up someone’s scores. I did at one point buy a shit ton of used games though. That employee was probably

Isn’t it taboo for a lot of people? The crazy this is one can have a religion that bans ink and still get it aha

I’m definitely not on the Chrom and Lucina team. I’m voting for Lyn! <3

....I was about to say...but everyone else has already stated- the reason the first one is the way it because his views aha.

We understand what it means to have freedom of speech but that does not give you freedom of the consequences of said speech. I’m sorry you and other people can’t say whatever the fuck you want without backlash. Oh wait! You can say whatever you want. No one is stopping you but reality check- people are going to come

What a slippery slope that is sir..that just sounds like one step from jumping off a bridge and going backwards with all that people died for. It is not okay to be a neo nazi. This is my freedom of speech and I won’t feel bad if they get punched in their fucking face.

Oh honey boo boo no one said he couldn’t spout out his hot garbage but we can’t control each other. If you spout out enough hot garbage you might get punched in the face.

“Being a pussy liberal” I rather be a pussy then a dick hole on the internet.

“you are as worse” no. They aren’t as worse. The man who just got punched in the face is worse aha.

We got a crazy here! Duck and cover. The crazy knows how to talk omgggg

Lol. What a waste of life then.

I was confused when I saw that fire emblem for switch. I thought we’d actually see something!?!?

Ain’t no one forcing you to read shit. As far as I know no one put a gun to you head and told you to click an article that talked about Trump aha

Kotaku write about games all the time. Not sure what website you keep checking ahah.

Oh she has plenty aha.