
Here’s an article explaining how hate speech works in the us. Keep in mind that this is an opinion piece because this is a very hotly debated topic of first amendment rights, but does go into what currently exists in regards to hard(undebatable) bans on hate speech.

Freedom of speech DOES include hate speech in the united states, whether you agree that this is a good or bad thing, is purely political. The only laws against speech are those of “fighting words” and in self governed places of business or private property. Its why the westboro baptist church can get away with hate

Thats it, I’ve decided. Marasai gets my vote in the next presidential election... assuming candidates are going to be as unsavory as they have been in recent memory.

Yes, actually they did. They lay’d down their lives to protect the free world and the idea of free thought. just because we as a whole don’t agree with near any nazi ideals, doesn’t mean we have a thought police for counter active ideas. The moment we ban free thought is the moment we inherit a big part of who the

Part 2: Clearly there is a point of no return, where force is required. However in this case, we are FAR from that point. In no instance was violence accrued, except by the person off camera. If you are so far triggered by someone sitting and conducting an interview that you feel physically attacked and threatened

Literally all he’s arguing is that you shouldn’t succumb to violence over a difference of opinion, even if the opinion in question is insane. You don’t change someones mind by throwing them a healthy dose of fist, If anything that strengthens their view. Daryl Davis, for example, is a black man who managed convince