
And still read iPhone 5 rumors.

Anyone else noticed the backlight bleeding?? It's ATROCIOUS!!

Now playing

The guy should be careful and not make Bill Nye mad, because this is what happens when you anger old men:

This is sad... Bill explains (or tries to) how climate change makes money but racism doesn't, and the gentleman of darker color doesn't get it, on Fox Business.

That's what you get when you try to explain science to a sportscaster from ESPN (or someone who looks like one).

3D is for wussies anyway...

Typical Japanese dialogue...

I guess this could apply as well.

Good game, NY. It was a pleasure knowing you.

Perfect timing for you guys! All the relief funds you'll receive will help paying back your national debt!

Good game, USA. It was a pleasure knowing you.

Who is this guy and why does he have a Michael Jordan mustache??

Lizardman likes!!

Whatever that is, my credit card is ready!!

Not in Canada I assume??

Can I have this one in 1000 FPS, with full audio if possible??

I still have a sealed SPRY Mosaic floppy disk. I wonder if it could be worth something someday... probably not.

Give me a Monster Hunter on PS3, and I will adore it as well.

Haha I was about to post that picture.

Reminds me of this: