
Right. Let’s merrily let everyone scream death and rape threats, because we’re too fucking lazy to actually deal with the problem. Great strategy, there. Thank God for people who actually want gaming to grow as a medium, rather than die out because only the toxic shitheads remain.

EUNE is Europe North and East - it is polish, romanian, czech, etc + nordic region, most of them are not native english speakers. EUW is where UK actually is, but nevertheless there are a lot of polish, russian, french, spanish players there.

Good, he deserves it. If he’s using racial insults he should be kicked off permanently. He represents the game, his actions reflect on the community and even empowers the abusive behavior.

Yep. I’ve played games where the majority of players spoke French, and my French is weak. But somehow I didn’t find myself typing “TU EST MERDE!” “JE BAIS TU MERE!” or the like into chat. Funny that. Almost as if being bad at a language had literally nothing to do with how verbally abusive you are.

Since he’s willing to make racist, toxic comments towards his teammates I highly doubt he was saying what you think he’s saying.

That’s it? I would have banned him from the game and tournaments permanently or let him play and forfeit all of his winnings. There should be absolutely zero tolerance for this behavior, It’s way past “getting out of hand”.

“my english is not that good” fuck you, I dont go on french speaking servers saying mange merde (french for eat shit) and claim Im not good at french. he got what he deserves. hope his team drops him for possibly ruining their chances of winning

Man, fuck that “my English is not so good”. There’s no nuance to that, he spammed it over and over, it’s pretty damn clear he knew what he was saying and was just trying to hide it, I’m glad that Riot took it seriously enough to investigate further and find other evidence of abuse. I like pro League as a concept, but

I find this especially damning because hiding behind “my English is not so good” encourages stereotypes that harm other foreign players as well. Shame on him for doing something that just reinforces the trend on League to believe that foreign players are untrustworthy and “faking it.”

This kind of behaviour baffles me.

I love how tekken has every character speaking their native language. Dont think any other game does that quite so thoroughly.

I heard that there have actually been studies made that indicate that stupid people think they’re smarter than they really are, and smart people think everyone else is about as smart as themselves.

Most upper management in business in the West is run by old white man.

He was being sarcastic, if you weren’t aware :P (he’s making fun of the CS:GO fanbase that tends to overreact on these things)

Can’t wait to see all the, “I’m not a racist, but this is just silly ol’ Twitch chat! No big deal. I mean, sure, racism is baaaaaad, but there’s nothing anyone can do about it! Just close it, and everything is fine!”

IMO I’ve always hated the avalance that Twitch chats have become. It’s basically a black hole to which you throw your comments down in a manner that is vaguely timed to what’s happening on the stream, and is impossible to get your voice in.

We don’t have to just ‘deal with it.’ We can show them the fuckin’ door. Their inability to function like normal human beings isn’t our problem. We ain’t raising these asshats. We don’t need to provide them a safe and secure place to deposit the radioactive garbage they use in lieu of actual human interactivity.

I don’t, and I’ll grant you that it might be, but those things don’t qualify as either “unplayable” or “game breaking”

Yeah, except no. The game isn’t broken in the slightest.

Did he call a small, almost unnoticeable, out of bounds floor that doesn’t draw “game-breaking”, and a few wisps of smoke “unplayable”?