
Won’t do diddily squat. The area is already so deep in CO2 and methane producing manure they won’t notice.

I became a fan of Edgar Cayce’s psychic readings when his cure for hay fever/asthma gave me a new lease on life in the 80s. He calls an idea the fourth dimension. All thoughts are creative and an idea is an energy on the way to becoming something material. We create on an individual and collective basis simply by

The Chinese are working on unbreakable quantum entanglement code systems.  

If you want the real conspiracy theory it comes from a Native Am Seer in the 8Os. The magnetism flips, the Earth wobbles for a few spins and then settles in with a new N. Pole. Now you have the energy of the wobble plus conservation of momentum from physics that has to be addressed. All the world’s plates and water

small hands?

The fact that Fox News never recanted its Swiftboat lies after the election led a bothered young reporter to go to Vietnam to get the truth. Republican media never admits the lies. They simply move on to the next one.

If you throw a beef bone in the woods in Pa. a lot of vegetarian animals, whitetail deer included, will chew on it for the calcium. Seems to me a crab shell would be a great source of minerals. That’s not antropo, we’re not that smart.

Some people have way too much time on their hands. Seriously, does the fraternity have to be Greek for it to work for me. Enquiring minds.....

The book “6 Degrees”, written from the Oxford Library of Climate Studies, mentioned a catastrophic release in the North Sea that left scars of a tidal wave in Scotland and caused a rise of 6 degrees and was an extinction event. There is a genetic bottleneck in our genes indicating reduction to 10,000 individuals at

Nice post. I want to add that Somalian pirates are also a possibility. It only takes $10,000 to equip a lab to gene splice.

The chicken littles spent 5 million last year on advertising. The fossil fuel industry spent 110 million on denial. How much are you paid to be stupid.

Not true. In 1966 I was walking on snow higher than the telephone poles that had been plowed and plowed and plowed as it drifted into the road. In 1985 it was raining in January and my son never saw snow higher than 6 feet on those same roads. Then the arctic system that kept the cold air north fell apart and the new