
They posted something on Gizmodo about it!

"Holy water? This says gasoline!"
"Same thing"
*Lights match*


Nathan trying to rehabilitate his career would be amazing.

The reaction shot of those kids when he's squeezing chili out of his sleeve is just so incredible.

Fuck yes, his ghost writer Austin is back!

He was going for Wilford Brimley

Ah fuck is Kevin Smith making a sequel to Tusk?

Well, an HBO show will definitely change the mind of people who don't already think the Confederacy is an evil white supremacist institution, we all know how willing they are to learn and change for the better!

You still haven't answered my question.

Quiet you, Baulderstone is trying to count.

When did trump start building a wall to keep out brown people?

How many black commentators does Avclub have?

The end game is pretty obviously not having a show about an alternate history where the Civil War was won by the South.

Someone should, give him a UTI!

He just knows how addicting you are.

I won't :)

Never having to see Ricky Coogins comments in every single fucking article is the one positive of the switch to Kinja.

Someones never seen Step Brothers.

Michael Ian Blacks impression of George Bush Sr. is really good!