Tom Brady agrees to forget about the whole thing as long as someone, anyone, gives him a high-five.
Tom Brady agrees to forget about the whole thing as long as someone, anyone, gives him a high-five.
It is thrown.
A man does not focus on the picks that he throws.
That this man is the only thing standing between Brady and six rings might be proof there is a higher power.
- Jaqen H’ghar
Pudding cups aren't cheap. A man needs to eat.
Step 1: Declare undying love and soul mate status to woman you’ve never met on a social media platform.
I am a writer
“I’ve done more for women’s rights” followed by an unironic use of “social justice warrior” confirms that this dude is in fact not a feminist and probably understands nothing about feminism. He seems like the kind of person to say “I’m actually a humanist because feminism has been ruined by Tumblr activists” or…
These ones, too. He’s just going to keep throwing out reasons why all his hyper creepy shit isn’t actually hyper creepy, and so what if a lot of those reasons directly contradict each other? The important thing is that he’s awesome and righteous and the woman he harassed for no reason whatsoever is a cunt who totally…
I love this guy. “I didn’t harass her despite all published evidence to the contrary—she’s just an evil SJW bitch who is persecuting me for no reason even though I invented feminism! Also, I was just trolling her, and that’s why I acted that way, even though there is nothing wrong with how I acted! And if you…
Yeah you can’t “ghost” someone that you haven’t talked to before! He made a move, she said no thanks, he flipped his shit and she blocked him - that’s not ghosting. That’s “yeah you’re nuts and I don’t want to see this shit.”
Note: sometimes someone says “s/he ghosted” when in fact s/he was politely but firmly dumped, and their ex breaks off contact after the 19 millionth request to meet for coffee to talk it over one more time. #NotAllGhostings
God, his statement. I can hear the fedora tipping from here. So much Redpill
This is what kills me about this:
What’s worse is that her original message did contain an explanation. I’m not sure what else she could have theoretically said to him even if she believed she owed him more information for whatever fictional reason.
There is this trope...”My misogyny is justified because I had a single mom” (dude- not her fault) or “because I had a shitty mom”...yet when women face that shit from men or their fathers, they’re “crazy” or have “daddy issues” that make them ripe for sexual exploitation and mockery. I had the shittiest of male and…
“I have done more for the cause of advancing women’s rights than any of the people who are criticizing me. So why the fuck aren’t you all over my dick, you ungrateful bitches?”
I am a person who considers himself a progressive feminist, yet I was recently blocked by a female celebrity, and my reaction was similar—emotionally, not pragmatically. I didn’t harass the celebrity who blocked me.