
315 killed by law enforcement so far this year. On track to be slightly lower than 2014 (622). It should be noted that deaths at the hands of police have skyrocketed over the past 5 years, at least according to my sources. Also to note is that crime - particularly violent crime - has fallen for decades. Therefore,

I absolutely appreciate that people are willing to take on dangerous jobs. Jobs that I’m not willing to do. But do you ever hear fawning and hero worship for people who do jobs that are MORE dangerous for LESS money? Look at fishers, agricultural workers, garbage collectors. These people are literally keeping us fed

Hey Kara, I just wanted to share this link in response to “the police have a dangerous job” argument. A grand total of 71 officers have died in 2015, with gunfire accounting for 26.7% of deaths. So yes, their jobs can be dangerous, but it seems like being a civilian is far more so.

“I’ve got no skin in this game. I am only telling you what I observed,” Croce said.
Ha, no. The business Kane brought in and was set to bring into his bar and the legal liability say otherwise.

I lived in Buffalo during those dark early-mid 90s Bills years where the only hope, it seemed, or at least silver lining for the city would be a Superbowl win, alas, it nor the city was meant to be as Charlie Sheen would say “winning.”

Barry, it’s kind of shitty you calling out the Buffalo News out like this, what with all the unbiased news they normally report-

Smuggling cauliflower in they underwear.

Also, hepingitis.

Well, at least we’ll all get blown.


Bonobos > Murderous packs of Chimpanzees any day of the week.

Your username fits you well. Also you do know rap and murdere is extremely common with bonobos right? Sounds more like a utopia Patriarchy

Seriously- this pretty much only brought to mind the articles a few months (years?) back talking about how Wall Street has an abnormally high number of sociopaths. This is sociopath shit. It’s natural and human to care about people, particularly people you fuck. Not all the time, obviously, but out of 100 girls per

Spreadsheets man ,spreadsheets

What kind of terrible/unsexy person is thinking about his bros when sleeping with a girl? Who fucking compares notes like this? I have a sleazy guy friend that would probably get along with these guys, but he never talks about the girls he fucks- he just fucks them, and (I assume) enjoys it.

I think this guy is just a mega-asshole. Sure there are men like this but none so unapologetic about it. It reminds me of a conversation I had with a dude who said he was a feminist. He was talking about how he had dated Republican women even though he was really liberal because he just wanted to have sex with them. I

Ya’ll gonna catch something

Is this the normal for anyone?