

“UPDATE 10:05 a.m. ET, Tuesday October 11: A number of players have reported issues redeeming either Kiriko’s voice line or skin (or sometimes both). Kotaku has reached out to Blizzard for comment on this.”

The leaders of this industry think that they are so far ahead of everyone else that they keep doing shit like this without suffering any kind of financial epercussions.

Remember when people were up in arms about how much Sony was charging for the Last of Us Part One remaster? Two weeks was forever ago. 

Why would a dude that believes the key to immortality lies in the blood of young people be interested in forced birth? I mean other than to keep up his supply of young blood...

I bought the game right before a big move and didn’t finish it until my house was unpacked and set up (re: about a year later). That final act was so damn good that I was legitimately sad when the credits started to roll. I started a  new game+ but it just didn’t have the same impact as it did the first playthrough. 

A great sendoff to a great person.

God Of War Fragglerock

Mike’s passing hit me pretty hard too.

You’re absolutely correct, but that’s not what happened here. This dude couldn’t keep his personal feelings separate from his business endeavors. Nobody asked for this guy’s opinion about anything other than “What is in patch 2.4.5f?” When he chose to air his grievances in a way that made it impossible to separate

Robert Davi is someone who reached out to me as soon as I was ‘canceled’ in February 2021.”

The Mirthmobile.

My wife and I sometimes play the “if we win the lottery what would you buy” game and my first answer will always be “A Ford green truck from the 70's”  

Trick question!

My favorite post on “Bring a Trailer” hasn’t been written... until now!

Some turds need multiple flushes to go away.

Why Am I Still Shaken by Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson’s Breakup?”

Will it baby?