It’s a dog-eat-dog eat dog-eat-dog world.
It’s a dog-eat-dog eat dog-eat-dog world.
The only reason they removed the transactions form Battlefront 2 was because they didn’t want to piss off Disney.
“So they’re gone and won’t be coming back....”
I honestly couldn’t tell the difference between the UFC gif. and the normal adds on this site.
Why only get $60 from each player when you can get a few extra million from Amazon?
He didn’t wind up getting shot, a girl didn’t drown in his car, die in a plane crash and he’s not married to an 80's movie star. Wins.
I am one of the “D1, Day 1 guys. When Bungie announced that they were moving to a seasonal content/pass I took a year off and came back at the beginning of this season. I played for a few weeks, hit 1050, completed the battle pass and.... meh.
“There are a million things to do, but only 3 of them matter...”
Do you think one of the reasons they vaulted all of that content was because the new subclasses would exploit things not designed with stasis in mind?
Too much [dot] con
He’s the second coming... It’s kinda his thing.
The troll army is more sorry than usual.
She just has a better lotion routine.
I am willing to bet that one of the people complaining was a “resource officer.”
See also: Hair and dress codes.
And they claim to be against quotas of any kind...
He’s going down swinging..
I should have CiCis that coming.
Do they serve Godfather Pizza in Hell?