“According to M Live, the city’s police department explained its reason for not being on the ground from the onset... “
“And only when celebrating birthdays divisible by 10.”
“Honey, does your pu...pu... “p-word” ever get wet?”
“...we here at The A.V. Club have gone back and offered up a frank assessment of all 22 games of this exclusive day-one lineup.”
I’ll be seeing adds from Phillip-Morris, TrimSpa and Utz for the next 6 weeks.
If he’s a punk, he’s worst kind of punk: the Nazi skinhead kind. Where the music is shit, completely misses the point of the genre and is shunned by anyone with half a brain.
2020. This device is the 2020 of devices.
A beautiful graphic novel...
He replaced the person maintaining the site with a group of freelance chimps that compete against each other for diet pills and stale pretzels.
Tab? You can’t have you a tab unless you order something!
A multi-millionaire Trump supporter that has enough artillery to take down military aircraft but not the balls to use it.
"Oh well."
His clothing is butt too.
Also, those folks were just self destructive where as it seems like Kanye is trying to take as many with him as possible.
What, you don’t remember when Spears railed against abortion? How when Bieber endorsed racist dictator? Or when Bynes claimed that Harriet Tubman was selling slaves on the side? I’m telling you, the 2003 VMA’S were CRAZY!
Yo, all that smoking hes doingn has to be hell on his cardio...
I think I could watch every Tyson match end to end during a lunchbreak and still have time to smoke a cigarette before it's time to clock back in.
He always looked like some kind of anime Judge Dredd.... I just never thought it would be the hentai kind. (Kinda hoped it)