I’m am willing to bet that 100% of these complaints come from the women that voted for Trump.
I’m am willing to bet that 100% of these complaints come from the women that voted for Trump.
Like the Fiat and Chrysler parts of FCA are pillars of reliability.
(Double post)
My 2019 Durango has the same door handles as a 2019 Ghibli...
If she'd just stop dressing like such a lawyer maybe she wouldn't have to deal with these kinds of statements.
I hope the funeral was for someone close.
Hes like a kid that figures special move in a video game and he’ll keep using it over and over again because he thinks it’s the best way to win.
“antitrust enforcement and competition policy...to punish firms for their competitive success”
Half a billion dollars is going to buy you more people than just Michael Douglass.
Nominating a woman will end sexism just like electing a black man ended racism.
What is fundamentalist Christian for “Don’t Care, Had Sex”?
History is probably His story.
In 1997, I paid $450 for an ‘85 Escort. Add 20 years of inflation and adjust for cost of living and this is still a questionable purchase.
Hey, those Jack-Booted thugs the NRA keeps talking about are actually real! I know those militia will jump right up to protect people because that’s the real reason we have a 2nd Amendment, right? Unless... unless they are just full of shit and don’t actually mean a damn thing they say.
“Why’s daddy eating a bowl of Golden Grahams with Royal Milk Tea instead of milk?"
The guy mocked Michael J Fox because he thought he was exaggerating his tremors while making a statement...
I started dating a girl the day before Valentines Day and she was pissed that I didn’t have a gift for her the next day... we stayed together for 2 intensely miserable years.