Richie Incognito’s Iroquois name is Blabbering Dipshit.
Richie Incognito’s Iroquois name is Blabbering Dipshit.
Dances With Wolves taught me that shitty white people make the best Native Americans
I am pretty sure Trump has no fucking clue that Pakistanis are Muslim.
Is it just me or does Trump’s wording sound like a Nigerian scam email?
Dollars to donuts this is the exact same conversation he’s had w/ every world leader he’s talked to. My guess is he has his aides hold up poster board with the name of the country that he’s talking about so he doesn’t forget.
You realize kissing their ass anonymously won’t actually turn you into a billionaire too?
Yes. Of all the lies they swallowed, “Donald Trump understands and cares about my plight” is the biggest.
You’re not wrong, but come on. The top seven are HEADQUARTERED in typically blue states, but the majority of their operations are not in the same states they’re headquartered in. I agree that both sides of the political spectrum are complicit, but the implication that your making is deceptive to put it nicely.
That’ll get you a handy from Huckabee but no eye contact or “gay stuff”.
Just you wait guys. There’s going to be a new NFL stadium in every city in America with a population greater than 250k. Two if you’re over 1M. So much winning you’re going to get sick of it. Trump is going to build hotels right next to them (using federal money but sticking his name on them).
It would be much funnier if we weren’t going to get sucked down with them.
The fact that millions of people voted for Trump because liberals are mean to them, and now he’s going to fleece everyone of them makes me squeal with delight. My only concern is that they are too closed minded to see it.
1/ The C-Suite of Goldman are not “political outsiders.” Unless you don’t understand how special interests work.
THIS is what kills me most about Trump voters. They ALL got conned by a huckster, and not a very good one at that, honestly. He got the bigots on board at the jump with ugly racial rhetoric he can’t and doesnt want to back up. The evagelicals did the usual fucked up thing they do with the mental gymnastics to…
Any “saved jobs” Carrier is keeping in the US are being paid for by us, via massive reductions Trump negotiated for Carrier’s tax burden. This is an utterly unsustainable model (do this for every company and the country goes broke quicker than Trump can gild a Roman column) and amounts to nothing but moving money from…
Hey yokels, enjoy getting fucked in the ass:)
I honestly think that if they had nominated anyone, ANYONE, other than Clinton; the Dems win the White House.
It’s so frustrating how Democrats seem to be afraid to push for change in this country that will help people when they are power. Yet Republicans are able to push through the most horrible things without even winning the popular vote. The money in politics makes things seem so impossible.
Because Fulgencio Batista was so much better than Castro. Ah, the good old days. What LeBatard is saying is that his family did fine under a repressive military dictatorship but suffered under a repressive socialist authoritarian.