
Johnny’s a competitor. Right now he’s looking at Ryan Leaf’s post-NFL life and is thinking, “I can top that.”

Yea same. I’m tired of hearing that they are middle class families that were sick of government lies and empty promises, and voted for Trump cuz they are just done with the same ole same old. I’m smack dab in the middle class and I’m pretty tired of a lot of shit but still managed not to vote for the orange turd.

Charles Gaba had a great tweet today: Charles Gaba (@charles_gaba) | Not all Trump supporters are racist, but all of them decided that racism isn’t a deal-breaker. End of story.

Simple. The Russian elections in recent years have been widely regarded as a sham, undermining his legitimacy (which, along with his poorly-thought-out dick-waving in the Crimea, trade embargoes, and his own bad managing of the Russian economy, have led Russia to the brink of collapse), which infuriates him. His only

It amazes me that decently run countries like the US, Britain, France, and parts of Germany look at the mess that is Russia and are like “Sign me up for that!!!!”

Cap’n Walter Crunch was court martialed for tearing up the roofs of a lot of mouths.

Boiling the election results down to Russian interference alone is ridiculous, of course; we’re dumb and racist enough to have shot ourselves in the dick all on our own. And Clinton has blamed the loss, in part, on the the FBI reopening an investigation into her emails.

Lindsey Graham just called for a Congressional investigation into Russia and our election today.

Wait, was that his explanation for not releasing not only anything about Trump but the RNC either? it didn’t meet his “editorial standards”?

Where were the Congressional investigations on this? We wasted millions in tax payer dollars on Benghazi and emailz, but will this get the same attention? This seems a hell of a lot more disturbing.

Well God bless Wikileaks and the Russians. We got rid of that pant suit wearing devil Killary Clinton. She had an email server and she didn’t use her psychic abilities to stop the Benghazi attacks. The Lord works in mysterious ways. May the the good Lord’s favor shine on our saint of the common man Donald J. Trump.

Russia could confess, laugh in our faces, and it wouldn’t matter. They helped take down Clinton, and that’s all the Trumpkins care about.

It’s “just” a trailer, amiright? Not a 25' long and 15' high box trailer. It is as tall as his house. And he is not parking it there, he is storing it there. It is why they made these places. So, you do not have to be a douche to your neighbors and understand that just because you can doesn’t mean you should.

Stand by original assessment: this guy and his neighbors are still dickholeS.

Fuck Mike Stoops. That’s absolutely despicable. I don’t care if Walker flipped two birds and grabbed his balls on the way out: For Stoops to throw Walker under the bus is atrocious.

The minute that we calm down is the minute that this bullshit becomes the norm. I would politely tell anyone that tells you to calm down, to actually do the exact fucking opposite. We relaxed after Obama won and we lost congress. Never. Fucking. Calm. Down.

The weird thing is I’d much rather have the wildcard that is Donald Trump as president than Mike fucking Pence. With Trump in there, at least there is the possibility of him going rogue from the general GOP wishes to some degree, but Mike Pence is the evangelical right wing distilled and him being president would be

Trump is slashing taxes... on the wealthiest of wealthy. His tax plan actually increases everyone elses taxes, middle class, lower class, yes including all the “deplorables” that voted this chump in. Nice going you fucking numbnuts. I even know some wealthy Jews that voted for him and now that he’s put an antisemite

I worked in Defense-related business. The number of people who pull down big salaries and are nothing more than PMAs (professional meeting attenders) is stupefying. So get ready for some gold-plated weapon systems that won’t do anything to increase America’s readiness but will make Defense businesses sing hosannas at