
If you’re the kind of person who would have enjoyed a voyage on the Titanic, then sure. Otherwise, skip straight to the return.

I went to a junior high school that was built during the nuclear scare, and it shows. The exterior walls were extremely thick and sloped. Only the admin offices had any exterior windows, and even those only had seven windows total. But the real problem I found was the way school staff treated children. Teachers were

That’s not unusual. In a previous job I used to work on registers at retail outlets, and the ability to boot from USB media was needed in order to reimage registers. Hard drive failures came up surprisingly often, and for certain types of data corruption it was faster and easier to reimage than to troubleshoot the

I had something similar happen, except I was aware of the switch as it was happening. I always used to use inverted Y (likely a holdover from games like X-Wing and Tie Fighter), but one day after nearly 20 years of playing games that way, suddenly inverted Y felt very awkward. Over the course of a few days, I ended up

Your worst case would require 49 states to violate the law. The worst possible case that can legally happen is two different standards, which automakers have historically proven themselves capable of handling.

And if investigators were on a fishing expedition, it’s quite possible they were trying to entice her into revealing the presence of bigger fish to fry.

That’s assuming the system works as it should. When I was bullied as a kid, I quickly learned that adults had the uncanny ability to make things worse. Given that one of my bullies was a serious enough gang member that he was eventually gunned down by a rival gang, I had absolutely zero interest in finding out what he

Whistleblowing and snitching are the exact same thing. To be supportive of one and not the other is just a massive hypocrisy.

No, I want reviewers to warn their readers when developers/publishers exhibit a history of gaming the review system by withholding negative features until after the review cycle. If they’re willing to resort to such shady tactics to keep review scores high and sucker people, why should anyone give them the benefit of

An EV makes the most sense by far. With a Tesla you could easily get the extreme acceleration needed to quickly get to 88mph. Because it’s electric you could conceivably power it with the Mr. Fusion. It also means less parts to break, and with a dual motor model you even have redundancy in your drive system. If the

I was going to post that Tetris needs one, but I see you beat me to it.

I swear, it’s as if some of those people think cooties are a legitimate health risk. 

I’d also like to know how induced demand factors into mass transit. I looked into mass transit for my commute in LA, but it would take me three hours each way. Wouldn’t adding more rail lines just mean more induced demand for the trains, keeping the commute times the same or somehow worse? If mass transit is somehow

But think about how unreasonable you’re being. What makes living a clean, healthy life so much more precious than saving a few more bucks on proper waste disposal/mitigation? Think about the other guy’s $1.50 before you selfishly cling to your precious, tumor-free lungs. Improved quality of life for everyone should

But what kind of puppet government would the invasion force put in place? The last time states tried to secede, it didn’t go well for them, and that was in a fight that was much more evenly matched than CA vs The Other 49 would be.

It would if you cut the red parts of the state out and made multiple red states out of it.

California is not universally blue. If carved “right” (sorry for the pun), that could result in those extra four senate seats being red. It also provides a way to carve out some of the red electoral college votes that are otherwise lost whenever California votes blue.

But that goes both ways, and arguing that California and other CARB vompliant states should be required to have unhealthier air so other states can have somewhat cheaper cars seems to me like a pretty questionable position for proponents of relaxed emissions standards to take. Plus, auto makers have proven they can

The law requires the EPA to grant compliant waivers, and provides no means to revoke them. It makes no sense to grant the EPA the right to revoke a compliant waiver if they don’t have the right to deny a compliant waiver in the first place.

To make up for the fact that you can’t roll the numbers 7-20, they just make you roll 7-20 dice instead.