
Oh, it is. I have brand new character I made several weeks ago that rolls 15 dice for stealth checks.

I’m one of the few people who didn’t mind the 91, but that’s only because I’d go east in the morning, and west in the afternoon. For all the commuters going the opposite direction, it truly is a nightmare.

Battleborn pretty conclusively proved that people do not want different.

It’s also worth noting that the last time Gearbox tried to innovate, they ended up with Battleborn—a game that flopped hard because people kept mistaking it for an Overwatch clone. With that in mined, I’m not at all surprised that Gearbox is playing it safe for Borderlands 3.

If this sort of thing keeps up, I think reviewers should start accounting for it in their reviews. Basically point out when a developer or publisher has done that with previous titles, and warn about the possibility of post-release of microtransactions—especially if they’re likely to include loot boxes. I’m sure

Does the game have microtransactions yet? Given the way they got snuck into the previous one, I’m wary about what’s going to be added after the review cycle has passed.

Nope. You proved yourself capable of getting much farther into the article than many people who click the “Publish” button.

Of course the laws of physics were in play there. The article explicitly credits them as having fun with an errant box truck.

It’s small consolation that the axle can’t drop if the axle and differential can rotate in ways that the driveshaft can’t accommodate. Brake lines probably wouldn't handle that gracefully either. Portal or not, any axle that’s free to rotate will cause major problems.

It’s true that the complete lack of something is not its opposite. That’s why it’s not how opposites are defined. To use your love/indifference/hate example, “indifference” is the line that “love” and “hate” stand on opposite sides of.

To avoid trademark infringement with Microsoft’s XBone.

It obviously wasn’t enough words if that’s what you think I was trying to do. Evil isn’t exclusive to terrorism. It’s perfectly possible and actually quite common for people to be evil without also being terrorists. It’s even possible to kill a lot of people without being a terrorist. That doesn’t make those people

Yes, Boeing has done a sterling job of proving that as of late.

The point is that it’s like cutting the speedometer cable on a car. It’s going to be detectable almost immediately, and doesn’t prevent a competent person from safely operating the vehicle in a pinch. But unlike a car, pitot tube obstructions mid-flight are common enough that A: Pilots are aware of and need to account

True, but there’s no point in counting tiny, sparsely-populated nations like India.

Given how frequently my food problems are diagnosed as “being a baby”, I can absolutely believe that men with eating disorders are severely under-reported.

I feel for you there. I don’t think my problems with food are severe enough to warrant the diagnosis of an actual food disorder, but it’s amazing how many uncomfortable situations I’ve ended up in. I hate all the arguments and embarrassment I’ve had to deal with over the decades, but my digestive system doesn’t care

Some of us were quite willing to go with option B. I certainly never had any expectation that I’d get a substitution. In my case, stress kills my appetite, so getting into an argument over food I couldn’t stand in the first place just guaranteed I wouldn’t be eating.

I don’t have ARFID, but as a picky eater I can confirm this effect. I’ve had foods forced on me that I kind of likd. Because I had to eat them so often even when I wasn’t in the mood for them, they stopped being appealing, and now I can’t eat them. Combine that with trying to sneak known hated foods into everything,

According to the indicators you use to test whether someone is an IC or employee I don’t believe number of hours worked is a specific factor. Fine, limit them to a certain number of rides or miles driven then – if someone is an independent contractor to me I should have the right to be able to tell them how much of