
I think the most I laughed this episode was Nathan trying to recover after nearly breaking during the Bro-Down.

Is this an episode of "I Love Films?" I like films like THE GODFATHER. And CITIZEN KANE. And CASABLANCA.

I am all for PFT being on television, but why aren't people saying the obvious?

Except Graham actually made the strategically correct move. At that point it was either accepting 2-2-0 between Neuringer and Levine, or risk putting Samm up 3-1-0. Graham was absolute right to do that.

I was put off in the first episode he appeared in, but after 10 minutes I found him to be hysterical. It's not a great impression vocally, but he has the oblivious arrogance down.

I would recommend tracking down the Never Not Funny with Tom Arnold. He had an insane upbringing, most viscerally slaughtering animals in the South.

This teaser appears to be from 1995.

But can he match such dialogue as "Perry, I'm a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist!" and "Release the World Engine!"

I'm with RedScarab, I think Narcisse portrays a righteous anger in the black community in a way I've never seen on television before. Like many other characters on Boardwalk, he has enormous flaws and does truly despicable things, but it stems from an ideology that is enormously understandable. Narcisse is old

I believe he is referring to his relationship with Daughter as a child after Narcisse murdered her prostitute mother. I'm glad they have left it ambiguous, since the relationship is so fucked up as it is, but you could certainly see Narcisse controlling her sexually early on, and like all rapists, it has much more to

I find Bowie's video for "The Next Day" to be more Halloween-y, and totally spookifying. Plus Marion Cotillard is a total fox, and Gary Oldman ain't so bad either.

Tragically, this is right before they recreated "The Son."

Rewatching the series 10 years after is debuted is making me all kinds of nostalgic for days gone by, but I'm even more sad that I have to face the end of the series again.  Will someone please get Ian McShane a juicy role on Justified so I can spiritually connect the two?  Maybe he could be Boyd Crowder's uncle?

This truly is the Age of Ultron.

It was okay.  The show definitely peaked with Ozymandias.  Jesse wasn't very integral to what ultimately happened, and the machine gun car plot had a bunch of holes (yar).  How do you not check the trunk?!

This is going to be a total Breaking Bad lovefest, but that was a shitty way to end the episode, and would be torn apart had it been any other TV show.

While I love all three of these episodes, Old Dogs may be the Flop House Gold Standard™.

"I've made a huge man-steak."

And I think to myself… what a thrashable slope…