

I would like to put travel coffee cups in this category. You don’t need 30 different ones and you definitely don’t need to keep buying more. I know for a fact you only use three of those yet they fall out of the cupboard because you have so many.

Sounds like your kids are going to have some pretty bad sunburns.

Pithy, cutting, incisive comment that completely misses that Ask Dr. Nerdlove has been an ongoing feature of Kotaku for the last few years.

Totally agree with this. I won’t bore you with my personal life, but let’s just say that I have had a long, serious and bad relationship with great sex, and a loving, supportive marriage where the sex is only ok. And I’d take the latter every time.

As an RN I know there is a time and place for certain things, dealing with immigration status is at the bottom of the pile. Rape, abuse, assault are things to intervene in, this is not. Only time status is relevant is when searching for resources for patients going home needing equipment, home health, or

We won’t be Great Again(TM) until the country is purged of everyone not a white Christian conservative willing to work until unprofitable to our corporate overlords. Until every state & national park has an oil derrick and ash pond in it. Until all children are in charter schools. We cannot be great again until the

Perfect. So not only do undocumented people have to fear cooperating with the police, now they have to fear getting medical care. Almost like someone planned all this...

I live in the south in an about 100 year old craftsman. Not many issues but yeah one day the AC will die and the hot water tank might kick the bucket. Don’t make me think of what hell it is going to be when the gas lines finally need replacing. Oh don’t forget the rotting wood on the retainer wall around the entire

Repaving a driveway!? Shit that is for super rich people. As a homeowner (no kids yet) I agree, you can barely do anything for a grand. I totally understand why some poor people have nice smart phones. In the end they have enough money to spend on phones but you are talking about years of saving if you want them to

what in the actual fuck is that.

Was that house decorated by a blind clown?

Fuck you for unwittingly starting the trend of naming kids “Wokebae.”

Shall we crowdsource the perfect feminist Chinese-Caucasian baby name below?

Seems rather aggressive...A*G*G*R*E*S*S*I*V*E!!!

I’ve been married 16 years and also get screamed at every time I try to get my wife to spread her legs.


Sotheby’s estimates that the newly uncovered photo of Adams will sell somewhere between $150,00 to $250,000, but it could go for much higher given its uniqueness.

“But the van had a permit!”

“We’re closely following the terrible events unfolding in Barcelona, Spain We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, on many sides... on many sides.”