
Man, I was in San Sebastian (aka Donostia) a few years ago, and maybe one of the top 3 things I ate there were these pintxos that were basic open-faced tuna sandwiches. I doubt there was anything in there besides tuna, a little mayo, and a maybe a lit bit of sherry vinegar. I make the same thing at home using Spanish

I know this is tmi, but I love everything about beets except for the freakout it causes me later when I get convinced I have colon cancer. Happens every single time no matter how much I remind myself before hand that this will happen.

You left off one of the reporters best tweets:

You can definitely not hold my cat as a baby. You cannot pick up my cat. My cat will not sit on someone’s lap. If you’re lucky my cat will barf on your stairway, or perhaps pee 5" away from the litter box.

“Messy Thrill”????

Small suggestion: put a space between your quantities and “oz.” Someone is bound to mess this up if you don’t really mean “10z.”

There’s a gin like this from portgual called Sharish, specifically their “Magic Gin” version. It’s quite good.

The original with Nicholas Cage was better.

Seriously?!? I had no idea. Or by active do you mean in a professional sport that’s currently in season? Even so, I can’t believe it 2018 and there’s only one who’s come out.

I have seen that but forgot she was in it (I wasn’t watching it too closely; maybe while eating dinner). Thanks for the tip; maybe I too will soon love her and forgive all her disastrous performances as Bobby has.

This is absolutely the correct take.

I am in no way trying to rain on this parade, but I’m wondering why all the “YAY, Amy Adams!!!!” I honestly have never seen her in a movie where she seemed even remotely believable in her role. I think I first saw her in “Julia and Julia” and I could only get through the film because of Meryl Streep. Her performance

It can be a subtle difference, but to those like me (male) and my partner (female), it’s enough of a difference that I wish we had this in the US as well (not all states have “common law marriage”). For us, it partially comes from growing up with our own sets of parents involved in either horrendous marriage/brutal

Nice article, but “I Against I” is just reduced to “further listening?” Look, I love Sonic Youth and like Dag Nasty, but I Against I was a much more important album than Evol and Can I Say.

Shish Taouk with garlic sauce.

This is not a surprise. However, I have to hand to anybody who makes their way through law school, even the shittiest one in the country.

Their shows were good times. However, I think that counts as an 80's cover. I think they recorded it before “’Til the Stardust Motel” came out in the early 90s. I had commercially (which is stretching the term) released cassette version before that came out.

I will grant you that it is tremendous cover, far better than anything on the posted playlist, but the “only” good punk cover? Hardly. My current favorite (and one could quibble about the term Punk in this case) is the Melvin’s cover of the Wipers’ “Youth of America.” One could call it a metal version of what was


That looks exactly like my Tracfone.