
"The Hairpening?"

Trollonics 101?

In fact, here's a .GIF of the two documents for handy home comparison:
Font, line spacing, kerning and especially superscript… identical.

Better than Twin Peak Heroes, which would make even less sense.

I nominate you for new showrunner. Or at least contributing writer.

I'd still put my money on the SEAL when fighting a herd of hungry flesh-eating undead. But I'll take the accountant when faced with a horde of hungry money-eating IRS agents…

"the people who were perceived to be least able to survive in the civilized, non-walker world turn out to be best suited to adapting to the new reality"

The 80's were a dark time.

And now, NONE of the previous movies happened. It's all been invalidated.

Fuller Heroes? Sounds like a Subway ad…

"Whip cream bikini powers?"

"Roping people into bad series reboots" may be one of the most evil powers ever uncovered on the show…

"You're ignoring his "epiphany" in the new-age support group thing."

Your alias is obviously fitting! :) I'm a bit more cynical. I was one of those who were sure for several seasons now that Don would somehow end up completely alone and alienated by the final episode — homeless, friendless, jobless, womanless. I had him returning to New York to find Betty had died in his absence and

I didn't think it was all that great an ending, at least not for Don. Every other major character will be living a different life the next morning except Betty and Don. Pete got his family back, Joan started her own business, Peggy found true love (as did Roger), and Sally grew up. Not Don, though. His big ending was

Man, I really hate the PC Police. Oh, am I "allowed" to say that?