Agree. And don't forget Varys is a consummate double (or triple, or quadruple) agent. Even if Tyrion thinks he is betraying him now, Varys could very well still help him in ways he can't yet imagine.
Agree. And don't forget Varys is a consummate double (or triple, or quadruple) agent. Even if Tyrion thinks he is betraying him now, Varys could very well still help him in ways he can't yet imagine.
I would think that Varys kind of has no choice but to testify against Tyrion, lest the Lannisters start to suspect him of...anything. If he hadn't agreed, they'd just assume he was on Tyrion's side and he'd be screwed. I thought Tyrion would've seen that, but I can't blame him for being stressed and having clouded…
He does. I felt a bit repulsed at myself for thinking Ramsay was kinda hot last night.
Congratulations to you and your husband-to-be! I'm just starting to think about this kind of stuff, as I'm getting married next year. My mom and I have had a pretty volatile relationship my entire life. When we get along, it's all very pleasant, but when we don't, it can just turn so toxic and bitter. My opinion is…
I was born in '76, so I'm Gen X, but I have zero nostalgia for the 70s. I just don't remember them — my only foggy memory of the 70s is when my brother was born in late '79. I have huge music and movies nostalgia for the 80s (to this day, Depeche Mode and Tears for Fears are two of my favorite bands; nothing, but…
I absolutely agree with you. I paid close attention to this case from the time the murder happened, and her behavior was very strange. Most people on Jez think she's innocent, but I am not in that majority.
This, this, and this. Having read so much about the murder right after it went down, all this circumstantial evidence and the strange behavior of Knox and her boyfriend immediately following were red flags. It is amazing to me how people vociferously defend Knox and do knee-jerk shut-downs of any questioning of her…
What a heartbreaking situation for your husband and you. I can't understand women like his ex who pull shit like that. I fervently hope that when the kid is grown, he realizes what a horrible thing his mother did and seeks to reconnect with your husband.
If that's the case, then I'm glad. I was going off something I read years ago (and they've been divorced a long time now). I guess I'm just sensitive to this issue because my own boyfriend is divorced, his wife has full custody, and she gives him a hard time when he wants extra time with his daughter. Her position is…
I had heard that her first husband Jim Threapleton got kind of screwed over in the divorce in terms custody of their child, and that she basically said to him that if he ever spoke in public about their relationship, he was then all kinds of screwed. Kate Winslet is a great actress, and I enjoy her movies, but…
I think she made it everyone's business when she spoke about it in Vogue. Celebrities can't have it both ways, speaking about their private life in a public forum, but then turning around and be outraged when someone takes you to task for it.
Um, since she decided to go public with that statement to Vogue magazine, Fathers4Justice has EVERY right to come back with a snappy retort. They're not saying anything defamatory; it's a response to her statement in a public forum. The end.
And my alma mater as well! I think the banning is a giving too much credit to the song, but I applaud their intentions completely.
Grew up in Northern Virginia, which tends to be pretty diverse given the proximity to DC. Unfortunately, once I was older, I became aware that both my parents and my grandparents occasionally used it. I talked to them about it and how wrong and evil I thought it was (again, raised in a fairly diverse school that…
Agree. After a couple listens, I came down on the "this song is obnoxious" side. I'm glad for her, but her voice has a nasal quality that just ain't my cup of tea. I switch stations when it comes on.
The whole effect is kind of amusing. Her messy hair plus the cutesy dress makes for an effect akin to a six-year-old who got dressed without mommy's help. Not what I normally expect from Jennifer Aniston.
I made a lighthearted joke on FB earlier today about Weiner's name being a, er, self-fulfilling prophecy, and this guy I'm connected to (only because he's the best friend of my best friend's husband and we cross paths at too many parties) who's a hardcore, kneejerk conservative, immediately shot back that it was…
I'll be buying it to read the article, as RS has proven itself for years to be a purveyor of good, sometimes great, journalism. I do think RS could've chosen another photo other than Tsarnaev's "pretty boy" self-portrait. Then again, this is Rolling Stone. It has quite a few controversial covers under its belt. I say…
Yes. Let's just say I wouldn't kick him out of bed.
Agreed, I'm just shocked. Way too young to die. My sympathy to his family. He was such a talented guy, and he seemed like someone who would be quite interesting to know in real life, too. His intelligence came through very clearly in his acting.