
You say "bits" as though Wizard & Glass isn't a doorstop-sized slab of pure boredom. It's what derailed my interest in finishing the series.

Oh, Kyle Maclachlan's performance is fantastic. It's the writing that is fairly terrible.

I do think Logan is on a whole other level as far as comic book films go (let's call it the Nolan level). But as for the other films, I definitely enjoyed Spider-Man and Guardians 2 more than Wonder Woman. It is nice to have so many quality superhero films out in the world, though.

It's funny you mention American Gods, Preacher, and Legion. They're the three shows I use to describe a genre I call "beautiful nonsense", aka shows that look absolutely mind-blowing but have a hollow pit where good storytelling should be. If we could somehow get a Marvel show that looks that amazing AND has quality

Streaming services definitely benefit from more episodes. It's better to have people on your service for 13 hours rather than 8 or 10. Netflix is all about owning you for as long as possible, which is why they don't care if House of Cards runs 10 more seasons than it should.

Yeah, great actors aside I always thought Agent Carter was pretty awful. It wanted so badly to be Alias, but instead it was more like ABC's Charlie's Angels reboot set in the '40s.

I'm mostly confused by TCA critics acting like a bad Marvel TV show is some sort of new occurrence. Did they not see the first season of Agents of SHIELD, the mediocre adventures of Agent Carter, the stilted and boring Luke Cage, or the unwatchable Iron Fist? It's actually more rare when Marvel makes a TV show worth

I gotta believe there's a fair number of us completionists out there who are still watching out of some masochistic need to see it through.

Let's not forget The Stand and Dreamcatcher, those had some white ones. I love King's stuff, but my annoyance with that particular trope probably stems from reading so much of his work. Dougie saying "M-O-O-N spells MOON" would fit right into this season.

I've seen the entirety of Twin Peaks (and David Lynch's other work) except for tonight's episode. I think it's a season-long storytelling problem worth discussing.

You can fancy up the Magical Mentally Challenged Person trope all you want. Lord knows Stephen King has tried it dozens of times. Still doesn't make it any better.

Do we think Lynch will go full troll and not bring "real Coop" back at all before the end? I could certainly see it happening, but boy, I'd love to see the fan reaction to that choice.

At this point, I'm so bored with this show that I'm just checking these reviews to see if Agent Cooper has returned. Once Dougie — the Magical Differently-Abled Person trope made into boring flesh — is gone, I'll consider watching again. Doesn't sound like that has happened yet.

When I saw a "Breaking News" alert about him on my phone earlier, I honestly hoped he had died. Kind of disappointing that he was only convicted of a crime instead.

You're required to hate anyone with different views than yourself, thereby alienating them and encouraging them to vote for a power mad reality TV host. Don't you know how America works?!

It's tempting to blame Akiva Goldsman for everything, but he's one of four credited screenwriters on this thing. Not sure why he's the only one mentioned in the review.

I have to disagree. Wizard & Glass is awful and completely skippable. A giant doorstop that does nothing but stall momentum and kill any desire one may have to finish the series. The fact that it's the book they want to be faithful to for this adaptation proves how wrongheaded the entire thing is.

Kind of funny since Lynch claims this is an "18-hour movie." Watching it all in a binge seems to be exactly what he intended.

Episode 8 did happen, and it was amazing! But then episodes 9, 10, 11, and 12 happened…

Admittedly, it's just here or there. I've seen people as varied as Paul F Tompkins and Tim Goodman of The Hollywood Reporter arguing that the entire thing is an awful mess. Then semi-fans on Twitter saying the only way to get through an episode is on fast-forward. The buzz in my hemisphere has gone from "very excited"