
It's been interesting watching the critical tide turn against this season the longer it's gone on. It's almost like the original Twin Peaks in microcosm, in that it started with a bang and keeps pissing people off the longer it goes. I reached peak annoyance around episode 9, but I'm still watching out of some weird

Pretty much, yes!

Didn't we all stop watching this sometime in season 2?

Oh, fuck off on multiple levels. First, Clayton Purdum can fuck off for saying the book is beloved by "fandom-obsessed forum-dwellers." Not only do I love the book, but I have no idea how to use Tumblr, don't consider myself part of any fandom, and don't use forums because it's no longer 1998. Second, this backlash

Is there such a thing as an original album title? They all use words that have been used before in other things. Kind of a weird complaint.


Just remember you're arguing with someone named Counterpoint. His shtick is being an asshole with terrible opinions in every comment thread.

I do wonder if Snyder's leave was not entirely voluntary, but that's the conspiracy nut in me.

Justin Theroux weighs about 98 pounds, and half of that is dick. In other words, maybe he could be Robin.

It's not like Affleck is required to have a Batman with great fight scenes. I'd be happy to start over with a less murdery version of Batman.

I just got back from seeing this in IMAX (or faux IMAX anyway) and my main takeaway was that it was way, way, WAY too loud. I wondered if this is by design or an annoying habits of theaters who think IMAX = head exploding surround sound. On the one hand, I did feel like I was at war as I jumped out of my skin at every

Really, even the nonsensical real estate plots? Sometimes I feel like I'm watching deleted scenes from the worst parts of The OC.

I don't know, as a gay '90s boy I wasn't really into Skeet Ulrich in that way. But now I really like him as an actor and interview subject, and he's perfect on Riverdale.

This is excellent news, but now I really want to know if Pearl Mackie will return. Bill is the best companion since the Ponds, and it'd be a big shame to lose her after just one season.

The AV Club posted an article about a Monopoly piece the other day. ANYTHING is news.

This is how I felt about Colton Haynes coming out too. Honey, we all knew years ago, but thanks for the announcement.

Zachary Quinto playing Spock is less impressive than Milo having one good role in the past decade in a flash-in-the-pan broadcast drama? Hmm.

Yeah, it really wasn't wise to burn bridges with Spielberg of all people. Or hell, even Michael Bay, who may be terrible but still has a lot of cachet in Hollywood. Though maybe it's just LaBeouf's natural self-destructive tendencies.

I think he's shown enough perfectly sober douchiness that it's more than okay to snark on him.

How very Mel Gibson of him. I vote to combine this Newswire with the "we teleported something into orbit" Newswire, and let's make that something Shia LaBeouf.