
How many people are going to show up for this ruptured ACL lottery?

I don’t care. The days of paying older players a huge salary based upon what they did are over. It’s what can you do for me now at 32 (just a random age number) years old. Now do I agree with the race to the bottom of the barrel? No. Not enough teams to tank and then become a winner. Only so many teams can win.

Anecdotal experience aside I agree with Steph here. Hell, Blizzard has to look no further than their own game of Overwatch to see how toxic a community can get in short order. That game is barely a year old and Blizzard has struggled to rope in what has become a horribly toxic community in almost every respect.


This year’s crop of free agents is not that great. The top 3 guys (Martinez, Darvish and Arrieta) all have age/injury concerns. I mean, if you could sign them for 3 years at 30 million per, teams would probably do it, but they (or Boras) want 5-8 year terms which historically have almost all turned out to be terrible

The new baseball sucks.

Forget it, Jake

Marginally talented one-dimension players with offers in the 100's of millions of dollars reject offers.

Haha. Marginally talented one dimensional aging players suddenly exposed for what they are. Market chooses not to pay for decline. Agents lose mind when presented with new reality. The CBA reigns supreme.

That’s People’s Democratic Republic of California to you, sir!

That’s people’s republic of California, sir.

The companies that make and sell these systems are predatory jackals. No doubt this was marketed to this cash-strapped town as an easy way to increase revenue, and I’d bet that the contract was structured so that the city now has no recourse against them.

Several years back, a UK local council (equivalent to City Hall for a town or county) was discovered to have made all kinds of shady deals with private companies. When the legal dust settled, the leaders of the council were required to pay back the money they’d squandered from their own resources. It was a deeply

It’s fine to be greedy in America, just do it discretely.

So bumfuck little towns and big cities alike learn that the only proper way to generate revenue is through responsible taxation.

They tried them in Chicago. Thanks to the 2.5 million residents driving on the Kennedy Expressway that week who didn’t give a fuck and broke the system, Chicago gave them up, too.

“We robbed you then we blew all the cash. How can you possibly expect us to pay it back, you monsters?!”

Miami is a shit hole. Don’t name your city New Miami.

I thought most cites had gotten rid of speed cameras because of widespread abuse? I know ones near me did. Besides that, the fact that an outside company was getting a piece of that fine pay is really not acceptable. This though: “and also denied drivers due process” can be said of most traffic courts. The fact that

They had a similar lawsuit against the City of Hillsboro (Oregon) for their red light cameras.. Apparently a few of the intersections had the lights timed like a half a second shorter for the yellow light to catch more people who thought they could run it. One of the people who filed suit did so because as he ran the

Seizing money from citizens and funneling it directly into corporate coffers. Fitting for the late-stage capitalist hellscape our country has become.