
Also, you smell like a fart.

I never called myself hot or large breasted. I just get tipsy off like 3 PBR tallboys because I am a skinny wuss. But I am a woman. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Yes. You just have to drink three times more than average unless you're a skinny girl like me. Wuss.

Seriously, this guy and the dude in the grabber blue shelby cobra who rode the clutch the entire duration of his ride through the parking lot do not deserve these cars. :( I'd treat both nice, real nice. Car washes and waxes weekly.

The Civic is a headbuster. I think 98 percent of the people who ride in the back seat of my car end up busting their head on the door frame entering or exiting the car (myself included, getting back there to wipe down the rear window is a bia). But the seat is nice and wide once you're in it...

I'm a tall girl, totally get the seat back sentiment. Have to have full leg room for the clutch. I have a '66 Mustang and an '04 Civic coupe. I love the long b-to-c-pillar looks of a two door... Sleek.

The Civic mats came with the car from the factory... I am a total no-BS person when it comes to buying cars. I didn't buy scotchgarding, just assumed the interior must have it because it cleans up so well.

Yeah, wasn't thinking about it that day. Was the first sunny, 70 degree day after 100+ days of 100 degrees. A black blanket now resides in my trunk.

Not all wives want a 4 door. ;)

Tan interior sucks. I'll report back on the damage my dogs left after a surprisingly muddy trip to the dog park when it is finally not raining and I can vacuum and shampoo my back seats. :(

Maybe the ahole new owner decided to turn her in as a stray because he couldnt care for her anymore and knew she was chipped and could go back to the old family in CO?

Agreed. She must not have appreciated his car. :(

I comment on wrong thread. Durr.

I don't know if I would marry a man if he sold a 69 Mustang to buy me a ring. Seriously. I'd rather have the car than a diamond.

Unless he didn't have theft insurance coverage. Then it is still indeed titled to him. Even then, the insurance company would own it and could offer to sell it back to him for the price he was paid in the settlement...

Ha. That Neon doesn't look tougher, it looks rougher.

The designer has a friend who he calls dawg, so he isn't sexist.

Advertised in posts on here a few times in the past week.

Damn, Jez has some good looking readers with awesome fashion sense.

Still wouldn't buy it. If they had a fender wrong, what else out of sight might be wrong too?