The Whirlpool fortune. Maker of fine home appliances.
The Whirlpool fortune. Maker of fine home appliances.
Rod the Mod has always been quite the charmer, which is why I liked his skinny spandex butt, even at 10!
I find this comment intriguing, knowing what I do about the criminal behavior of classic supermodels as well as the complete boringness of current ones. Like Karlie Kloss has a rap sheet .. for selling vegan cookies that actually contain dairy?!
Well cheers to that. And I know this is such a difficult issue, so thanks for your response. Would that we could just chuck Richardson off a fucking cliff and never speak or hear of him again, but it's more complicated than that.
Classic for sure but I'm tired of it. And I say this as a strawberry blonde with green eyes. That whole California Girl type is lovely, but really dated and not interesting for fashion rags. It had such a stranglehold for so long, I do not want to see it anymore. It's great for pinup stuff like SI and VS. But Vogue…
Hey I already liked you from our musical theater condo from earlier today. People came down pretty hard on you but I like your IDGAF 'tude ;)
And I'm sure it was awful to be watched by this dirtbag, but some people obviously think it's worth it to advance their careers, like Lady Gaga letting him follow her 24/7 and photograph her on the toilet. I'll defend every last nameless struggling model that had to see his surely nasty penis, but I'm getting sort of…
I hate Terry Richardson more than life itself, but it's not like her agency sent her to dance for him. She isn't some struggling teenager from the Midwest living in a shitty model apartment; she's a freaking heiress who had a very strategic plan to become famous.
I agree with you completely. It's really, really hard to be both commercial and high-fashion. Gisele is amazing at this. Cindy C was good to some degree. Naomi does not get enough credit for her chameleonlike abilities. But ya know, just like dudes don't want to see Kristen McMenamy in their SI, I don't want to see…
Dude, it's better than when I had to see Coco's butt every day. I say let it ride.
But she has like, one expression. I guess Cindy Crawford kinda did too to some degree, but I'm sorry, Kate Upton is no Cindy Crawford. And Kate cannot even compare to supes like Naomi, Linda, Kate when it comes to modeling clothes.
Her face is indeed pretty, but that's not what most people desire in high-fashion models (things like bone structure are more prized). I wish her well and think she's great for Sports Illustrated and that Victoria's Secret was really rude to her because she's perfect for them, but I don't care to see her in Vogue all…
LOL, you know I'm just repeating the famous rumor about Stewart, right? I don't actually believe it! It was just a dumb thing all the older kids at my school said to "prove" that Stewart was, like Gere, a giant homer-sexual. (I had a crush on Rod when I was like 10 and saw him on Solid Gold or something, so it was…