
Which is why you need to license gun ownership, the way they license drivers. Admittedly, the government does a pretty piss poor job of keeping terrible drivers off the roads but it’s still miles better than what they have with guns. And, unlike guns, cars are used to for things other than killing people.

Boom. Signed.

LOL pranking conservatives!

It's still depressing and, quite honestly, rather horrifying that so many people in this country would actually vote for someone like Trump.

My aunt and uncle are born again Christian, Fox news watching conservatives. They're personally very generous, especially with their time. They also tend to do all sorts of shady, scammy bullshit. In other words, they're very generous to the people they personally know (the "deserving") but outright con artists when

HeroRat??! That's so awesome!!

Every year for Christmas instead of giving (and receiving) useless crap that nobody wants I give money to the following orgs:

That’s because scientology is a cult and Islam is a religion. Like Christianity. There are plenty of Christian cults. Take the Word of Life church, that abused it’s members, forced them to do labor and deprived them of sleep to make it easier to brainwash members. You may have heard of them because 6 members beat a 19

What the actual fuck???

“Your pointing out my racism is racist!!!!!!"

OHMYGAWD IT EXPLAINS SO MUCH!!! I don't *hate* their relationship, it just seemed so weird. And now this bizzarro media stunt makes it so much weirder. "Tom is Gay" and all the pieces fall together.

Nooooo!!! Get better Bill!!

I hate to say this - I'm completely opposed to electoral politics - but Trump has me worried enough to register to vote. I'll hold my nose and vote for Hillary (goddamit).

Am I the only one who wants to see these video essays of Longworth's? I can't be the only one!

Agreed. This woman was probably a victim of that asshole. To drag her through the mud and blame her for what happened, without trying to understand her situation AT ALL... Well, I don't know if it's continuing the abuse but it's pretty sickening all the same.

I rarely go to any of these events ever but this shit is making me feel like I need to go to every single Pride event in my area.

You do realize that a) child mortality was off the charts and b) hunter gatherers didn’t have access to antibiotics and other advanced medical care? If hunter gatherers survive accident or disease they regularly live to their 80's... *without* heart disease, diabetes, etc. If you want to be vegan go ahead. From my own

Freelee and Durian Rider have basically made careers out of being batshit crazy. I actually first came across them when they were attacking paleo people and their craziness was awe inspiring!

I'm sure the same applies to cyclists lol - everyone thinks they're above average.

You may think that cyclists are generally at fault - and maybe in your situation they often are - but you’d be wrong in applying that to the general population. The fault lies with drivers somewhere around 84% of the time (see the link below).

I can also guarantee that most cyclists are very aware of their