
Oh my! The 30 Bananas a Day nutjob vs. the "Dear Fat People" psycho?? WHERE'S MY POPCORN??? *omnomnomnom*

That *whole thing* was OMFGBATSHITCRAZY!! It reads like a spoof but... it's not!!

OMG I do that too!! Seriously, the older I get the cheaper I get. I’m not even that hard up for cash, I just HATE wasting anything. I do notice that all the women in my family do the same thing. Guess it's just inevitable lol!

Definitely want more of these!

From what I understand, each store uses a model and designed their clothes for her body, which sucks if her body is really different from yours. I can't wear Old Navy bottoms because whoever they use as a model is shorter and has a bigger waist than me, but at least one of the Lane Bryant models fits me perfectly. So

We’re 65% of the goddam market. I don’t even know why this is such a problem... except that I do. Even greed isn’t enough to overcome the rampant, nauseating size-ism in America. All the moaning over how unhealthy it is or whatever, what it all boils down to is that if a woman doesn’t fit society’s beauty standards,

Gross. I hate shallow, petty, small minded people. STOP BITCHING SO MUCH! Grow up. You stupid, disgusting slob.

It’s because a) they probably just wanted to get laid and b) it’s a weird numbers game for guys on those sites. Like, they’re always sending out tons of requests, to everyone who even vaguely meets their criteria. There’s a TED talk about it somewhere...

Haha! So true! I guess both me and my boyfriend are equally lazy and disheveled so it all works out.

I do this. The older I get, the more I do it.

Wow. Eat shit and die. The world will be a better place.

As a victim of rape and sexual assault, you can go fuck yourself with a chainsaw.

That's actually pretty awesome.

Wow. Glad you made it. You deserve better too!

Holy shit! Do you live in Florida???

I’m Facebook friends with my ex. I’m in a happy relationship with someone else but will often like or comment on his status updates, and vice versa. If he posted something about getting married, I’d like that shit out of that, too. Maybe because we were friends as much as (or maybe more than) lovers? Or because it’s

Totally horseshit worthy.

No, it wasn’t karma. He’s just a piece of shit human.

I don’t know about those two either. It seems like every single person in this shit storm is an narcissist and a lunatic. Except the 4 year old, and maybe the 18 year old.

Woooooowwwww! Does she realize what an asshole this article makes her look like???