Seriously. I had two boy cats that would mount each other all the time. And has he never seen a dog hump someone's leg???
Seriously. I had two boy cats that would mount each other all the time. And has he never seen a dog hump someone's leg???
Japanese prejudice of Westerners: hairy, smelly, eat with their mouths open. Kind of like untrained dogs. And blowing your nose in public is a big, big, MAJOR BIG grossout thing for Japanese people.
I’m sorry if I came across as condescending as that wasn’t the intent; I take a lot of care in my online commentary to avoid attacking people or being belligerent. It was me writing as if I was talking to you.
Ummm... What world do you live in?? Because I know many, many people who have all of those things and can't afford to live on their own let alone support a family. Why do you think that there's a whole movement to raise the minimum wage to $15?
Nothing she wrote was so horrible that it deserves that kind of response. She admits in the article itself that she's privileged to be able to make the choice, and if she has that luxury why the hell shouldn't she do something that makes her happy??
It won’t work. They find you no matter where you go. I got fed up one night and tried escaping them to the sofa and woke up with more cats than ever (but no boyfriend.) (Although he was kind of cranky when he woke up and found me gone.)
Ugh, I can't find any references to it on Google. I believe it was from a video I watched of a dinner party held in San Francisco to promote eating bugs (I went through an "eat bugs to save the planet" phase). The people who threw the party said it was one of the most surprising things about feeding people bugs and it…
It’s still purely social, I think. Ankles used to be totally sexual and arousing back in Victorian times. If boobs were on display everywhere all the time it wouldn’t be taboo, as it isn’t with many hunter/gatherer peoples.
Yep, pretty creepy.
The “Conservative Resurgence” is what happened.
I'm going to horrify my boyfriend by sending him this picture! XD
LOL this! :D
This was me. Now all my pants are skinnies, except for my work pants. The last year or so I've been dreading the return of flares and look who showed up! :(
My boyfriend and I often go out with his friends, and there’s this one guy who always tries to get us to split the check so he can get the rest of us to subsidize his and his wife's somewhat extravagant orders. They’re really nice though and I like them a lot so I’ll sometimes go along with it - they don’t make a lot…
This is all really, really disturbing. I mean, you know all that yucky shit is there but to see it in black and white... You can’t even unconsciously deny the right wing sickness that’s infected America.
Same here. And I'd like to be able to see the quality of the items before buying - been burned once too many times.
Yes please! I mean, not that I’m planning on getting married soon but everyone around me seems to be getting married and that’s made me think more about wedding dresses than usual. And I’m appalled. Appalled!! I’m looking forward to what Mod Cloth will come up with when and if I ever decide to take the plunge.
Women are men's *property*. By damaging the "property", they punish the brother. There are rules all around the world that are like this. The Old Testament has several choice ones: "thou shalt not covet they neighbor's wife, slaves, house, ox." etc.
My understanding of these is that the cats really enjoy doing it - they kind of have to since the only way you can get a cat to do something is to get them to want to do it. From what I've read, though, they actually like doing the tricks. It's much more enriching to have interact with them and challenge them (and…
Actually I would say it’s the opposite; rather than saying that it’s just a case of “a few bad apples” in both cases, the actual situation is that both countries have cultures that create conditions where men think it’s OK to rape women. Not every American man is going to rape someone but many of them have incredibly…