I'm posting this on my Facebook page (*hint hint boyfriend!*). :D
I'm posting this on my Facebook page (*hint hint boyfriend!*). :D
I don’t know, I still find it vastly entertaining. Seriously, it's the gift that keeps on giving!
This is precisely the problem; many men (and women) don’t *get* what’s so rapey about these things. This is how you get boys who rape an unconscious girl and then post pictures of it (http://thinkprogress.org/health/2014/07…). Or people who insist that it’s not rape if you’re married, or she’s unconscious (http://www.r…
[T]he people who hung them be dragged into the street, set aflame with menstrually suggestive lighter fluid, then frogmarched into re-education camps where they will be distracted from the real political issues by a ceaseless forced viewing of Eve Ensler dress rehearsals.
I can see putting up with long hours and low pay, but the sexual harassment?? Being treated like a living blow up sex doll??? Is it really worth it?
Why why why do these women do this??? Do they need validation so much?? I just read some other articles about how cheerleaders are treated horribly - included being sexually harassed while working FOR NO PAY - and I'm like WHYYYYYYYY???????? One thing's sure though, they seriously need a union or something. :(
Same thing happened with me and tacos. I refused to let it control me, though, and made myself eat tacos the next time they were served and I immediately got over it yay!
You really just answered your own question. Rape *is* a huge problem. As has been pointed out in other comments, this sign isn’t just “Hey, wanna have a good time? Check us out!”, it’s telling *fathers* to give their daughters to other men to have sex with them. Even if it's "just a joke" this is still what it's…
Why? Because they said that *one* old person was an ornery cuss, the one they happen to work for? Not every old person is an angel. They’re like the rest of us; some nice, some complete raging assholes. From skimming your comments you seem to defend his behavior just because he’s old, and you’re condemning finny’s…
OMG who does this?? And who actually ADMITS to doing this? In public?? TO OTHER PEOPLE????? The mind, it boggles...
Thanks, that was an enlightening article.
While there are plenty of people who care too much about things that don’t affect them at all (gay marriage is going to ruin your marriage?? Really????), nothing seems more justifiable for many people to criticize than what women are/do. And nothing more so than how they look. This constant stream of self- and other…
Why the fuck would you destroy a plaza because of some topless people??? Do you close a store because people steal? Why don’t they just arrest them??
I live in Ditmas Park! But to be honest, it's about as unlike the rest of New York City as you can get.
And "special needs" dog just means that they're one of those assholes who buy's a certification so they can bring their regular dog everywhere they want. I'm surprised they didn't try to bring him into the restaurant.
Adding these movies to my queue!
Head. Explodes.
What. The FUCK.