Child abuse? *Piffle*! But TEH GHEY SEX???? OMGNO!!!!!!
Child abuse? *Piffle*! But TEH GHEY SEX???? OMGNO!!!!!!
While I’m sure this is the actual problem for many women, for some women, like me, it has nothing to do with our partner. My boyfriend is a total sweetheart in the bedroom and does everything he can to please me. I just have a really, really low sex drive and a history of abuse. I basically turn off when I try to have…
I just don’t like them. I mean, I’m sure there are some interesting sorority girls (maybe?) but they strike me as really, really conventional and boring (this has definitely been true for the few I've known, including two roommates and one cousin). They make my skin itch. On the other hand, I couldn’t give two shits…
I have an irrational hatred of Greek organizations but... I feel like it’s a good place for all of THOSE types of people to go. Not being one of THOSE (conventional, outgoing, “I must be with someone at all times and I must do what society tells me is desirable” types) I always get a quiver of revulsion when I think…
I think the poor service, if it even was poor service and not just coming at the worst time along with everyone else, is the least of what's wrong with that scenario. No one should lose their shit like that, especially not to someone who's in a weaker social position than you. The mom was a just a bitch.
To be honest, many bike lanes are really terrible in spots. I always follow traffic rules but there’s one block that I go the wrong way up a one say street because the nearest legal street is a horrible, congested arterial filled with lunatic drivers (which I’d have to cross twice to use then get back to my nice,…
This is my grandfather, but he will never change. He’s in his 90s and will doubtless die a bitter old bastard, filled with rage that none of his kids or grandkids want to spend any time with him. My grandmother has had Alzheimers for the last 15 years and I always felt bad about not spending more time with her, but…
Jesus Christ!! Have you thought about cutting this person out of your life? Because seriously, she sounds like a piece of shit.
Well, considering that 95% of diets fail, I'm sure there are a lot of fat people out there who would love to be thin but can't.
This was such a great reply - I wish I could give it more than one star! I saw that angry, vitriolic post and thought about responding but I didn't want to deal with their crap... but I'm really glad someone took them on.
How is encouraging people to love themselves regardless of societal standards celebrating mediocrity? Everyone should have unconditional positive regard for themselves, that’s the basis of self respect. This is different from saying that you’re good at something when you’re not, or smart when you’re kind of dumb. You…
Far better than any of the Double Creature's I've seen. And they're both totally cute!
Sardines and crackers. Scrambled eggs. Peanut butter and jelly. Cereal. Baaaaasically, those are the only kinds of "meals" you can make in "30 minutes or less".
This post just made my Friday... No, my weekend (despite the laughing inappropriately at work part)!
I don't know, I've watched a lot of anime in my life and the only decent dubs have been from professional actors (i.e. Disney's adaptations of Studio Ghibli movies).
They're deep fried fatty chicken skin with little bits of meat. Kind of like chicken bacon.
I can't star your comment so I'm replying to let you know that that was just awesome!
“But that doesn’t seem to matter to Davis as much as being able to live free”