
Here’s the solution:

As the owner of some stocks in oil companies: Yay!

It calculates your time as worth $10/hr because nobody making above minimum wage would bother with this shit

So when you sell that car eventually are you going to give the new owner the signed keys or go out and have two new keys made so you can keep the signed ones? If so, those will be expensive signatures.

No wonder they switched to making Italian sandwiches

So how much does a normal bike get? Wouldve been something I would have included in this article instead of explaining what 1mpg means

Pictured: the ultimate car for women

Not weird just ballin as hell

How much do these things normally cost? I thought they were about that. What do I know

I thought this was confirmed months ago...huh

Needs moar M badges

They’ve added something to the car almost every year. But the main thing is it now has the reputation to back up the price. When this first came out nobody believed it would be that good. Even at 70 grand people thought this was far too much for a nissan and many people were skeptical. Now it has proven it’s worth

If you had bought a gtr when it first came out you couldve driven it for 8 years and sold it for a only a few thousand less than you paid for it. It wouldve been cheaper than leasing a civic for the same amount of time.

Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t the 0-60 time on this around par with precious generation si’s?

Ill never ride inside the car again!

If we could lower the price of rope this wouldn’t happen.

Thats what happens when you let Pep Boys restore your f40

Settling for a less than perfect used car when I couldn’t stand my current car for another few months.

Wut is dis called