
Word of caution to all of you new parents out there: it's exhausting having a newborn in the house, and you have zero privacy piled onto your sleep deprivation.

Cause it's a school night?

Not often you see something like know, a woman in bed with a Notre Dame football player under her own volition.

It's strange. She won't talk about anything substantive, but she will give you T &A shots... It's almost like " Here! This is what you came for. My ta-tas. Take the pictures!"

Looks like Tom Cruise wasn't on the list. He should have totally asked her about whether or not he tried to convert her to Scientology. She woulda been down.

I got my IUD at 27, have had it for just over 3 years now, and I've never been pregnant. The insertion wasn't the most fun thing, and I did have some nasty cramps afterward. Despite those discomforts, it's been wonderful not having to worry about taking the pill every day, and supposedly the Mirena has less hormonal

Maybe I am an anomaly with this, but I hate giving a handjob or blowjob to completion. Yes, it's a turn on for me at first, so it's not like I get nothing out of it, but I get bored way before he comes. Manual and/or oral action as part of foreplay? Yes, all the time. But once I'm turned on, I want PIV, not to

yaaa its all about your dick only

lol victim blaming on concussions, l-uh-oving it

The head coach, qb coach, offensive coordinator, doctor and trainers should all be fined, suspended and in the case of the doctor, head trainer and head coach fired for their lack of action and obvious lack of care.

Aaron McGruder's Boondocks introduced me to the racist stereotype that white people love cheese. While this stereotype has the virtues of being both funny and true, I don't see how it's at all a negative. Perhaps someone more creative than me could turn it into one.

The Venn Diagram of people with clean asses and people who are good at dominoes is just two entirely separate circles.

That's what will happen to your vision if you overdose on Viagra.

No one teaches the journalism majors not to single source articles with inflammatory allegations. Also no one teaches them to call the subject for comment.

It helps the Federal Reserve determine where to direct bailout money.

I pledged Alpha Phi at Hofstra years ago. It was the worst decision I ever made while in college, and I made a lot of shitty decisions back then. They hazed the shit out of us, tortured us, kept us awake for days at a time, you name it. So this doesn't surprise me one bit. I was never good with authority, so after

Well, Stuart is 33 now, and can probably handle it. But yes. Children should not be burdened with the brutal truth that they are a cinderblock tied to their parents' neck. Because they aren't responsible for the situation, the parents are.

I think another thing that isn't talked about is that parents excel at parenting at different points in their lives and their children's lives. I think my dad was a great parent when I was a little kid. He helped me explore the world and learn and be curious, but as I got older, I think he put too much pressure on me.

That's all I could think while reading this post. Obviously these women can feel however they want about their own experiences as mothers but publishing these feelings in a public forum does not make them "conscientious and caring parent[s]" as stated above.