There's nothing classier than preemptively announcing that you will escort guests out if they show up "looking a mess."
I actually wonder if it's more of an Asian thing. A lot of my college friends who learned English in Asia say "prawn." I'm talking Singapore (British influence), China, South Korea, etc. Since California has so many Asian immigrants, that's my guess.
And, of course, OBAMACARE!!!
But the show doesn't really tackle other gynecology issues. We know that Mindy is an OB/GYN, but aside from small talk with a few pregnant patients, we know virtually nothing about her work. There haven't been any pap smear or labor & delivery jokes that I can recall, and pregnancy is a huge opportunity for jokes. So…
A friend of mine realized in college that she wasn't actually allergic to pineapple. She grew up in a country where pineapple is super popular, and she really disliked pineapple as a kid. But whenever she tried to decline it, people made a huge deal about it and pressured her into eating it because "everybody likes…
Yep, and I think the show tried to cover it up by claiming that Marnie had lost so much weight because of her break-up with Boy (Charlie?)
I'm glad my recounting of the story creeped you out, because that means I conveyed some of the actual terror that we experienced. I'm always afraid that stories like this are of the "you had to be there" variety. This was just Kafkaesque. The scarecrow part was terrifying, but also left me with that sinking feeling…
I do not know what happened to the truck driver. He looked like he was passed out when we saw him. There was really no practical way that we could have helped, because the truck was flipped over with the driver-side door pressed to the ground. If he couldn't have climbed out the other door on his own, my petite friend…
I've traveled in China, too, and my favorite part of your story was the "toilet," i.e. hole in the floor of the train. Classic.
This is the spooky story of when my friend and I got stranded on a road trip in a snow storm. We had been in traveling for spring break, and we were trying to make it back to our home city in time for classes to start in two days. The forecast showed snow, but we decided to strike out anyway because we're both from…
When my little sister was born, I played with her for a few days, then nonchalantly told my mom that I was done playing with her and I was ready to bring her back to the hospital.
It sounds to me like you got quite a surprise. :)
Who else thought this was David Attenborough?
Nope, and it's not froyo, just regular yogurt. And Cultural Revolution appears to be the brand name, not even just one flavor. Here's their website:…
Counter-point: There is literally a yogurt sold in the U.S. called "Cultural Revolution." Meanwhile, in China, the Cultural Revolution was an event that caused the death of 30 million people (as estimated by the modern Chinese government, so it's probably higher.)
Thanks! I don't really understand following, but I'm learning. PS I'll follow you, too.
I don't understand this new gray system. I used to comment all the time, but since last week, all my comments go sad and unnoticed in the gray pile. :( Halp?
Also just... weird sizing. In their Liz Lange Maternity collection, I have bought XS and L items in the same trip. Same store, same brand, same item (dresses), WAY different sizes.
Raspberry jalapeno jam is pretty good, too. Also, try drizzling high-quality balsamic vinegar over fresh cold watermelon. :)