
The key to finding good tomato sauces in jars and cans? Find ones where tomatoes are listed as the first ingredient. Not tomato puree or tomato paste, but whole tomatoes. This heuristic has always worked for me to find the spicy, not-sweet, close-to-authentic canned sauces. I agree that homemade is best, though.

Noooooo, this would ruin Literally Unbelievable, the best site on the Internet!

Even if you didn't want to sue, could you have called someone higher up at the company? I would be asking to speak to everyone's boss until I got to the CEO.

Short answer: They figure it out, just like everyone else. Right now, women with only one last name are struggling to decide with what to do when they get married and have children, so I don't see how the situation could be worse with two hyphenated parties. If anything, it's more equal because both the man and woman

Of course!

Hyphenated name feminists unite! (So far it's just me and JGL, but we're accepting new members.)

Don't forget that Avatar is worthless because of Dances with Wolves.

Same. LOVED Season 1 (but thought the ending was a little rushed and over-the-top). Started Seasons 2 and 3 but couldn't get through them. :(

I don't see why not. Bringing the daughter could have been a control thing. A lot of abusive mothers are emotionally and verbally abusive. If the mother was rich, it's not exactly a sacrifice to bring the daughter along, especially if the mother got a thrill out of abusing her. Bringing the boyfriend makes less sense,

I was wondering if the mother was abusive and finally pushed the daughter over the edge.

You made some good points until the end there. I don't think you know what xenophobic means... :)

There are two aspects of language — oral and written. (If you know Chinese or another language with a non-alphabetic writing system, you know how distinct those two components are.) Iceland is requiring parents to give up both the oral and written forms of their chosen name. The U.S. requires parents to give up only

As I addressed in a different post, that's a flawed analogy (not allowing Arabic script, etc.) It's a completely separate issue, and perhaps in the future, as globalization increases, we will see the need to incorporate other writing systems into our government records, especially with names. But what Iceland is doing

I don't understand why I'm not allowed to have an opinion on this particular issue? Plenty of people feel comfortable criticizing Israel or Gaza, for example, even though they're not in tune with the unique cultural components of that conflict. I'm allowed to have an opinion about what Iceland should do, just like I'm

That's a flawed analogy. This would be like if the U.S. forced a Chinese-American kid to give up "Feiyang" and go by "Steve."

So is it simply impossible to speak about foreign people in Icelandic? The language simply will not allow discussion about Gandhi, Saddam Hussein or Barack Obama because it's grammatically impossible? That seems very unlikely to me.

But here, the government is protecting their culture and language at the expense of tolerance for other cultures. You could easily say that Iceland has the right to reject all non-white immigrants in order to protect their culture, but that wouldn't be right. I think there are much better ways to protect culture

That's a really good point about the possible differences between the two groups of women. As for falling behind, I am an attorney, and I will be transferring my case load to a few other attorneys during my 3-month leave. These people will basically just hold the ship afloat while I'm gone, without making any major

This topic has always interested me. It's clear that the U.S. needs to improve its parental leave policies, but there is evidence that the European model of long paid leaves might hold women back. There was an article in the NYTimes on this topic just a few days ago —…. Women are

Huh? Democratic politicians at the local or state level could push legislation that makes it easier to obtain IDs. Democratic citizens could work within the current system to help marginalized people with the process of getting IDs. There is a lot that we can do.