
I think this is great! At my college orientation, it was drilled into us that we needed to get a "yes" for consent. Silence, or the absence of a "no," was not enough. Affirmative consent seemed to become the norm at my college, and it didn't appear to hinder sex in the slightest. The parties don't have to fill out a

Click bait.

Instead of fighting voter ID laws, why don't Dems make it easier for everyone to obtain a photo ID? Having identification is important even if you don't drive. If IDs were free and easily accessible, requiring people to present ID to vote sounds like a really good idea. I've had friends turned away from polling places

HAHA. With a couple of decades of hindsight, that is hilarious.

Ahaha! This reminds me of my own scary birds story. My family used to have a condo on the beach in Maine. My sister and I decided to drive up there one spring, at least a month before tourist season was set to begin. We got bagels from Dunkin Donuts and decided to eat them on the beach. Well, apparently it had been a

Oh man, that all sounds so familiar. I think women manifest narcissistic traits in different ways than men. For narcissistic mothers, it's all about controlling their daughters and infantilizing them. I was also a good kid by objective measures, but to my mother, my crimes included:

WOW, your father's behavior is unbelievable. I'm so glad you and your mom were able to get some distance from it. I completely understand that ranting to the internet is cathartic. Luckily, it's also cathartic for children of narcissistic parents to read each other's stories and know we're not alone, so thank you. :)

At least an awareness campaign for ALS theoretically makes sense because it's a less-well-known disease. Wearing pink in October, on the other hand, is offensively pointless. Literally everyone with a pulse is aware that breast cancer exists.

Part of the reason I hyphenated my name when I got married was because I used to share the same name as an evangelical Christian author. Her main gig was writing advice books for teens on how to remain abstinent in the face of their raging hormones. And my full name was her website domain name! It was the first result

Ugh, I hate this too. I recently went out with a friend and each of our entrees were $10 and some change. At the end of the meal, she asked me to pay on my card and offered to just give me cash. After I had paid, she handed me a $10 bill, which didn't even technically cover her entree, and did not include any tax or

If your friend is paying the full bill on her card and you're just giving her cash, then she should see the full amount on the bill...

That's why I hate this trend of "ooh, have you heard of credit card roulette?" Must be nice to be able to play the lottery with a $200 bill.

Inevitably, someone or everyone in the group will fail to calculate tax, and/or will under-tip, leaving the martyr who offered to pay stranded. That person then has to hassle her friends or coworkers for the cash (awkward) or bite the bullet. That sucks.

Don't forget Ron Paul!

YES. I'm not buying this either. I especially doubt that many female narcissists would own up to it, because our society tends to reward confidence and self-congratulatory thinking in men, but not in women.

Wow, thank goodness she wasn't actually a day or two late! I hear induced labors tend to be much more painful.

You brought up another really important benefit of charting — due dates! I wonder how many women have been unnecessarily induced for "late" babies.

This article was about women who have terrible physical reactions to hormonal / medical birth control. For some women, the higher chance of getting pregnant with the fertility awareness method is worth it in order to feel human again. It can also be combined with other non-hormonal methods like condoms to improve

If I remember correctly, though, the book does place the fertile window at 5-6 days pre-ovulation. Another book I read analyzed data and concluded that there is a 5-10% chance of getting pregnant 5 days before ovulation (compared to a 30% chance two days before). So the stats were on your side, but like you said,

:( I'm sorry about the pill. Others pointed out upthread that regular cycles are not absolutely necessary for charting, but the method is more reliable at preventing pregnancy if you are regular. It still could be beneficial to learn about your body's mechanics, though, so I would still recommend the book.