This is only Acuna’s second year, so the narrative hasn’t stuck. Rest assured, one more incident like this in the playoffs and he’ll never escape the narrative.
This is only Acuna’s second year, so the narrative hasn’t stuck. Rest assured, one more incident like this in the playoffs and he’ll never escape the narrative.
Pitchers are the biggest babies in sports.
Are you high? Pitchers celebrate against hitters all the time. Fernando Rodney did his stupid Bow and Arrow bit for years. Dudes fist pump. Guys scream over simple strikeouts. The difference is when they do it and make the hitter feel bad, the hitter doesn’t get to whip his bat at them while they fill their diaper and…
I’m not usually a PC Warrior but maybe Braves and Indians should drop the racist shit for awhile and, you know, see if their miserable postseason luck goes away?
I wanted him to respect the game & respect me as a veteran player.
I get hating the Cardinals. I really do.
Influencing requires an almost impossible plethora of skills since it’s “a hybrid of many jobs,”
Lol. Pretty much anyone with access to an iPhone can take a professional looking photo. Also, “stylist”? You mean you chose to wear a an outfit similar to that of a kardashian? And yeah I know Kim didn’t invent that haircut, but since she and Kylie started sporting it, pretty every influencer went from “long hair…
I *really* want to laugh at this bullshit, but I'm immunocompromised so fuck Becky with the full cup.
Or pro-lifers who are also pro-death penalty and war. And oh so ironically anti-literally anything that helps poor mothers or veterans.
I live in the US...and still trying to understand some people who live here. In this case, there is no explanation or connection. Shock value and stupidity are what they go for, and it was mission accomplished on both fronts.
Ok, maybe its the stupid European in me, or I am trying to understand crazy too much here, but where is the connection between “Dead Babys” and Anti-Vaxx? Wouldnt more vaccinations prevent Dead Babys?
Reminds me of the Pro-lifers that murder doctors. Every life is worth saving unless you disagree with me.
Man, these anti-vaxxers sure do love trying to expose other people to diseases.
Who does she think she is, a white man?
There was a line she said, which I’m not sure if anyone else picked up on, but was somewhere along the line of ‘I hate that I have to live with this.’ Like, not ‘I hate that I did this,’ or ‘I hate that I tragically took his life’ or anything like that, but that she is suffering, not because of what she did, but that…
“I’m not racist, I just say and do racist things. But that’s not my true intent. If you could only look past all of my words and actions and examine the real me, you would understand.” -A racist
She is only sorry and tearful because she’s going to jail. That’s it. She’s not repentant that she shot a man in his own damned apartment while hopped up on something other then racism, she’s sorry because she likely thought she would have a few weeks off with pay and get to come back and do her same old shit.
This description really undersells how bad Hader was. He still should’ve gotten out of it, if not for Zimmerman’s bloop falling in between everybody, but had no command and earned those runs.
Bill Buckner, God rest his soul, cringed at that error.