
“I wish the decision to disrupt never had to be made...

So Republicans are trying to make AOC the face of the Democratic Party because, why again? Like, do they think that having a young, charismatic, intelligent person who has proven herself extraordinarily effective at communication is going to hurt Democrats?

My hot take: current jezebel writers got soooooo excited that a current relevant show made an unattributed reference to a decade old jez article that they had to find a way to write about it. but they couldn’t help underlining the reason why this website used to be relevant and no longer is--mistaking real social

Every time we talk about these fools, they make money.

Excellent work. There is no way that’s a tampon. How come no one consults tampon wearers before this shit goes viral?

Oof, this is why you need multiple BIPOC in editorial positions at a publication. I can see why a white editor might have thought, “well, she’s black, this is her story to tell and it’s not my place to criticise”. You need editors who are qualified to be critical of their peers.

his sign above his head. Be still my beating heart.

Oh my God!!! This!!! Not really acknowledging it/banning or “greying" longtime commenters that occasionally brought it up while doing nothing to address any of the truly vile shit in these comments. It’s so, so weird and I’m not sure who has the power to do what but it’s downright violently white in these comments

I agree, and am glad they changed their byline to “A Supposedly Feminist Website.” Because they’re really just a gossip site with a nod to feminism, so of course they’re going to publish the most click-worthy shit. 

Ding ding ding....they regularly cover shitty shows, reality and otherwise, that raise some serious questions about the people on them and behind the scenes... but now they are jumping all over it.

I clicked through and read Billie Lee’s post

I think Candice raises a valid point, but I still think what Stassi and Kristen did was disgusting and they deserved to be fired for that. But she’s right in that Bravo has to examine its own complicity in allowing this behaviour to exist. 

GIRL. Lisa Vanderpump quite literally last week said she wouldn’t fire cast members for their racist indiscretions - at the time she was talking about two other cast members, which says a lot about this cast. This week, she’s fired the founding two Stassi and Kristin AND the two cast members she said she wouldn’t fire

I’m thrilled to see that momentum has built enough that more people are willing to speaking out and more allies are supporting them. It’s hard to risk your job and future job prospects when you need to pay the bills. I hope this spreads, because there are examples in every industry.

I only know the food side of it, but I’ve hard a lot of the same problems exist on the journalism side. Like, getting a good job generally means you worked a lot of unpaid internships or horribly compensated spots to “build your resume” in a way that a lot of people just can’t afford to do.

So Madonna is publicly reciting poetry about extreme and debilitating leg pain but is implying that her son is emotionally abusing her by saying she may have a real, serious injury? That sounds about Madonna.

Nah, we’re good.

Madonna.....sigh. Honey, you are in your sixties and have put your body through a lot over the years. You need a new hip (I’m guessing not broken, but ready for a replacement due to arthritis, etc.), and you are prevented because you can’t do “elective” surgeries now. I hear you.

If she doesn’t help, that’s pretty crappy. She’s a part owner with millions of dollars. I can’t believe her dad even put that gofundme out there.

Gaga is co-owner. Her business partner shouldn't feel guilty asking her for input on paying the approximately 10 employees they have, according to their website.