Carrie brought her mom Mac and Cheese. Why is this making me cry?
you know what i will miss most about obama?
To be honest, I’m in the same boat, and I deleted without a hint of remorse. These people aren’t worth my time or energy, nor are they worth yours: all of us are much better off focusing on helping those we can, protecting those we can’t, and making sure that those we can neither help nor protect from themselves…
Thank you for the open thread and the amazing coverage.
I never thought election results could make me cry and feel like I’m at a funeral. That’s how I feel right now, as if someone dear to me has died.
I am so fucking sick of people on facebook being like “respect people regardless of what they voted and #notalltrumpsupporters are bigots”. We are talking about a candidate who ran on a platform of making society less PC, but his supporters can’t handle a few hurt feelings for being called out on their bigotry (or at…
Oh omg this just reminded me so vividly of my own similar experience: I was in college, watching a movie with this guy I was sort of seeing. Not a lot of comfort between us, yet, is what I mean. Still in the hiding our farts phase. But I really liked him. He lived in an old house with a bunch of housemates but they…
Picture this: It’s the late 90s and I’m 18 years old (ish), barely out of high school. Attending one of those parties that when you arrive you find out it’s not actually a party but more of a small gathering. The basement of an all but stranger in an adjoining suburb (potential for a Lifetime, lucky to be alive story…
So, just so we are clear here is a quick summary of Tammy Duckworth’s life:
SERIOUSLY. By making the movie’s outsiders the Mean Girls, they’re no longer outsiders, and it’s impossible to root for them because they’re the Mean Girls, so... we’re left with conventionally attractive, heteronormative, and socially adept people to root for? WAITAMINNIT.
“Well, fuck me gently with a chainsaw” is one of my top five favorite expressions of all time.
A tiny, cynical part of my soul imagines that this will somehow be spun into a book followed by a movie, but even if it is, I’m good with it.
The worse thing I've done on New Year's Eve is eat an entire jar of spicy cheese dip (Tositos queso). I'm about to open a jar so it looks like that is my new (terrible) tradition.
Any Ayn Rand books on his bookshelf, liking Dave Matthews Band, dirty dishes in his sink, and considering Infinite Jest his favorite novel (no one actually reads a book that has that many footnotes).
The only Bruce that I personally know is a guy who used to work with my dad. His brothers are Matthew, Mark, and Luke. (His parents thought he was going to die as an infant and wanted the "Gospel set" to all four be living. I find it kind of awesome that as a helpless baby he basically said "Yo fuck that I'mma live…
Like a Drink Your Own Adventure? brb, just had brilliant idea.
I love this picture—I would go see the movie where he plays a dashing spy with his two female co spies, who need to save the world by crashing high society weddings.