Catty Mills

Have you seen it yet?

Agreed, the idea of Halo's narratives was always much stronger than what they actually were. Great lore, subpar storytelling, I guess.

He's pretty spot on for much of Moffat's non season 5 tenure.

You know, I disagree with you, but agree with you. I actually think that season 1 was more soapy than season 2 is thus far—which is why I loved it. It had lots of characters getting into situations that may have been a little contrived, but it was so well written and acted that it didn't matter. It was very funny. And

The amount of Libby decrying last week surprised me as well (though, to be fair, the hate wasn't unanimous like with Betty Draper). The majority of the commenters here generally don't condemn Bill for his prickishness, considering his past and present environment, but for Libby all that nuance went out the window.