Micro-dosing Gawker's Tears

same reason I can’t seem to ever get into a car accident on the side of my car I accidently dinged up.

Cookie dough is just a dried up river of gritty mud.

Indeed. My cousin and his wife bought a ‘15 Sienna and the tranny failed less than two weeks after purchase. The dealer replaced it with a new transmission.

Man, he’s defensive of beige minivans...

I do go to Jizzabel every Monday for “Behind Closed Ovens” and “Science Babe”.

My wife does not agree, but I think this is the only way to roll. I’d rather be sitting around the fire shooting the shit than chopping celery or doing dishes.

What enforces “licentious culture” which is the better term is the continued heightened sexual stimulation thrust on both genders. I would argue that a girl who dresses modestly not only diffuses a man’s visual stimulation response but then in turn receives higher levels of respect and equal treatment b/c they have

I get it, too logical of an argument for you to digest. “Girls good, must dress like whores. Boys bad, must only be aroused when we say.”

From my real-life experience....

Yeah, a buddy of mine is a state trooper, and back when he was on road patrol, he really didn’t pull anyone over who was doing less than 80* unless they were being an idiot (driving aggressively). His thought was “I don’t want to hassle people who are just trying to get where they’re going.”

hahahahaha yes so true and I love it

Last time we had this discussion here on Jez, yes. Apparently, we are ignorant assholes because contrary to smoking, vaping is 100% healthy and will make people around you feel like they are petting unicorns and shitting rainbows, and anyone who disagrees is the worst.

So asking someone to quit vaping in my face makes me the asshole?

are top hats the new fedora?

the best type of correct.

Of course that’s included. So are crops that aren’t suited for this environment and require absurd amounts of water to grow.

Didn’t Ag just agree to a 25% decrease?

Ok, real talk: it’s great that people are trying to be responsible consumers, but this is all literally drops in the bucket vs. commercial/agricultural water consumption in CA.

“Hey, letth potht the pitther of that guyth yard on Twitter!!” lisped the busybody through mouthfuls of unseasonal, hyperirrigated California strawberries.

Water is everyone’s business.