Cat Tarsus Sinus

Plastic surgeons must love cosplayers.

Absolutely! She’s doing far better with all that’s apparently been dumped on her than a lot of folks I know could or would, myself included.

Posts haven’t slowed down over there, though, even for news that broke after this. I love that place to death, but it still seems a little odd. It appears poor Aimée’s being run ragged around here the last couple of days, so I can understand that.

My mind is boggled why both io9 and Jez seem to be completely disinterested in publishing anything about, what appears to be, a *positive* announcement in regard to a woman-led comic book film. You’d think it’d be in both their wheelhouses Is it because it involves the Great Satan, Disney? Or that it isn’t a negative

I absolutely feel for this guy. I had that happen with the Post Office once. My package was sitting at the wrong post office and when I called to check on it some lazy, rude, old woman puts me on hold. After about a half-hour on hold I drive the twenty minutes to that location, still on the phone, to find her sitting

How in the heck does Jacksonville rank above being hit by a car? Even one spot. That place is the worst cesspit in Florida, even more than Tampa or Tallahassee.

I love you.

Logos that, for some reason, they each will likely end up using.

The fact that people pay $500 for crap like that is insane.


Yup and yup.

I’m shocked (Shocked!) that she didn’t mention this part of the story.

I think you’ve hit the hyperbole limit early this week and I don’t understand why you insist on investing so much column space on someone you clearly dislike immensely. It just comes across as petty and mean girling. And I say this as someone who has no clue who this artist is.

It’s funny how you can look at a picture from decades ago and find someone who looks absurdly familiar. The woman in the back row, center looks insanely similar to a woman I dated lo these many years ago.

I prefer this:

It’s not actually part of the movie, sadly. Just promo stuff. The film is pretty enjoyable, though, and this comes from someone is not a fan of Deadpool comics.

That was my thought, too. Re: the removal process.

I couldn’t even freaking vote today. Somehow my voter registration went from ‘Democrat’ to ‘No Party Affiliation’ and since this is a closed primary state I was SoL.

I, too, am a Florida State employee. This dude just wafts creepy vibes. He’s been through our building a few times fairly recently and there are always people taking pictures with, getting them printed quickly on the crappy office printer, and then having him sign them. If it happened outside the security areas I