
I doubt that’s an error, just a typo. When I type a word beginning with a vowel, my phone autocorrects to “an” and then, if I insert another word, doesn’t re-correct back to “a”. I’ve got money that says he started out typing “an English professor” before swapping to “a professor of English” and just missed the n.

Yo, why the Brendon Gleeson hate? 

This is a vapid story about a Black biracial who spent her life PASSING as NOT REALLY BLACK LIKE THEM OVER THERE...or any of us really but the other rogue passers. Stop caping for this woman. You make our people dumber.

There’s something “black” about how she wears her wide-brimmed hat tilted?

It’s challenging to muster empathy for someone who lost his sister to a brutal murder, watched as the state confidently told him and his family they had caught the guy who did it, and then successfully convicted him and sent him to prison for life, had that wound reopened with Serial, watched the state react to that

Its going to really suck now for him. I hope she leaves with the kids.

That GW admirer is a strange one. This one seems to be a bot, but it may be a person who has a poor grasp of how the English language is actually spoken IRL.

Following through the links to other articles, there’s a lot more to this case. The teens admit to drinking and driving. They swerved forcing the defendant onto the shoulder. The defendant then fired at the rear of the vehicle striking the backseat passenger. Were there racial slurs? The defendant’s girlfriend says

Da, excellent point, comrade! 

Didn’t Jezebel write a whole piece making pretty much the same criticism and deriding white women in pink hats? Kind of ironic they’re now denouncing Russian troll farms for amplifying the very same sentiments...

“Oh, hello, fellow feminists. I am young American girl-ski from American state of Iowa....”

The funniest part: “I fear the situation is beyond retrieval.” Yeah, that sounds like something somebody born here would say!

Oh hey there Russian Troll! It’s been a while since we’ve seen you (or that I’ve noticed you). Did you like the story about you and your colleagues?

I’m not sure wingnut fearmongering is what ultimately kneecapped Sarsour and Mallory specifically. With Mallory especially, I feel like calling Louis “White People Are Demon Mongrel Offspring Bred By A Black Scientist Named Yakub Several Thousand Years Ago” Farrakhan the “GOAT” did a lot more damage.

Briefly mentioned in the article, I thought women’s march leadership derailed the women’s march...

I just wish that the dems get sensible on border security and limiting immigration and the abuse of asylum seeking vs economic migrants. Every day on the local talk radio here in Arizona I listen to the liberal hosts pleading to the dems to get some common sense that we cannot allow uncontrolled migrants. It just

Yup. This. Wendy Williams is an asshole, but her addiction and treatment isn’t gossip fodder. It’s 2022, Jez - come the actual f on. The narrative that addiction is a personal failing and not a treatable disease that people recover from all the time is over, and writing stories like this is shitty and keeps people

You don’t see AOC or many others making daily media plays over this topic as they did in the previous administration. Trump’s wall wasn’t a solution but leveraging Mexico into helping did. [I hate myself for finding even the smallest thing net-positive to say about that idiot!] And if your version of success is 2M

At the risk of being banned, I’m going to take the side of border states in this kerfluffle. Frankly, it’s amazing nobody tried this sort of stunt sooner.

Was it human trafficking when Mayor Lori Lightfoot sent some of the migrants to smaller towns in Illinois? Because that’s what she did.

I don’t like people being used as political footballs but if you’re going to call yourself a sanctuary city, you might actually carry some of the financial burden of caring for these people. Border towns are overwhelmed while cities like mine have BLM/Refugees welcome here signs in front of million dollar+ homes. If